The Infamous Leflore County El Camino Crew

Posted on August 24, 2016, 9:29 pm
3 mins

Written By: Hannah Riggs


Imagine pulling up to the boat ramp in Leflore County the morning that you and your buddies have decided to go out for a hunt. Then once you finally get to that boat ramp, you start to see a boat being pulled by a beat up primer gray ’79 El Camino. If that wasn’t bad enough, you then see a pitbull/chow mix riding shotgun with a whole motley crew tagging along and carrying bottles of Knight Train and Thunderbird. All the while, they are slinging their brass knuckles and steel pipes while hopping out of the car. They are ready to beat the crap out of anyone who says a word.
If I were you, I’d steer clear, just for your safety. Word is it that one of those guys served a term at Parchman for armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. What’s even worse is that he’s now taken up the sport of duck hunting and putting all of us innocent people out at the boat ramp at 5 am in danger.

Although if you hang out at the Blue Room enough, you might have already had your encounter with their ringleader. Seems to be the Freddie Krueger of Leflore County, if you ask any of the rest of us. Even worse, he hangs out with Jimbo Slim of Sidon. Everyone remembers that boy who went and set that out-of-state r’s van on fire just for swing shooting at Slim’s  ducks. He went and burnt the whole van to the ground with just some pallets and a Roman Candle.

Remember, until this crew is finally brought to justice, duck hunting in Leflore County is serious business. You better be willing to risk your life and limbs to hunt here. Pain and loss are temporary, but the glory that comes with beating out the El Camino Crew and coming away with a few ducks lasts forever. Until these boys get caught, make sure to be on the lookout for them in public hunting areas. You won’t be able to miss their primer gray El Camino. And if you do happen to see them, make sure to let all of us know so we can stay safe too…!

The El Camino Crew

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