Talkin Baseball

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Talkin Baseball

Postby lower14 » Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:29 pm

Well, since we're back online at the most boring time of the sports season, we can focus on the one sport going on that matters - baseball. Everyone is in camp getting ready for the season. Baseball is back in the capital. Bud Seilig is still a moron. Don Fehr still doesn't have a clue, but doesn't need one since his players are lemmings. Barry is still juiced, and Giambi is about to get the media attention he wanted when he signed with the Yankees.

Some things I am looking forward to this year...

1. Can the Red Sox repeat? I think so. As a Sox fan, I wish Theo had kept Cabrera and saved the difference between his contract and Renteria's and used that to upgrade CF when Damon leaves after this year. Rotation loses Pedro and Lowe, but gains Wells, Clement and Miller. Not that losing Pedro is ever good, but they won the WS last year with Pedro's 3.90 ERA and Lowe's 5.50ish. Big upgrade to the rotation if Miller comes back healthy in July. Only team that can play with the Sox is the Yankees, and they're really getting old (of the starting 9, the rotation, and the three top setup men, only A-Rod is under 30. And many are 34+ and have injury histories).

2. Will anything really come of the steriods scandal? I doubt it, but I'll love going to Fenway to chant "Who's Your Dealer?" to Giambi and Sheffield.

3. Will baseball ever realize that interleague play sucks, creates an imbalanced schedule, and is no longer interesting to fans? Not as long as dipchit Selig is running things.

4. Will Atlanta win a freaking 14th straight division title? Based on this run, with all the different personnel, I am not betting against Schuerholtz, Cox and Mazzone. Ever.

5. What will the reaction be when Bonds passes Ruth and/or Aaron? He's forever tarnished, regardless if acquitted by the courts. Remember that the courts ruled that the Black Sox were not guilty; Landis banned them anyway. Bud Selig doesn't have near the balls of Kenesaw Mountain Landis. Anyone got a cloning maching?
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Postby BAY KINGFISHER » Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:01 pm

I saw the press conf.with Bonds yesterday, he really threw it in the medias face, he also said that steroids didnt help your baseball skills, well I have alwys had a problem with Bonds cause it always seemed he was not a teamer,(the whole reclyner in the locker room thing got me). I enjoy watching him play though and I understand the hole cockyness = confidence jargin, I just feel that if he passes Aaron that the whole record will be tainted, Hank Aaron, who is Bonds Godfather, has said the same thing.
I do believe that this year will be intersting as far as who is hitting the long ball, the last few years there was a lot of little guys going yard, I believe that the steroid problem will bring back the pure homerun builds, like Mo Vaugh, Cecil Fielder, Frank Robinson, Dale Murphy, types, pure power, not synthetic.

Braves win divsion again, hopefully will make the series.
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Postby nomsduckhunter » Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:49 am

On he guilty, yes. Will they do anything about it, no Ignorance is no excuse but I believe he knew what was going on. Go back and look at his pictures. Around 1998 he went to twice the size.
C'mon now.......In my eyes the record will be tainted.

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Postby Chipper » Fri Feb 25, 2005 7:59 am

I seen part of his press conference. It may not help you hit the ball,but I'm sure it'll help you hit it farther. Didn't he say something to the media about them giving him a hard time because he was black. Give me a break.

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