Duck Blind Danger

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Duck Blind Danger

Postby sondance » Sun Oct 14, 2018 2:02 pm

Guys and Gals,
Just a reminder to be careful when working on blinds. We all get a little slack sometimes. We had a big tree fall on a blind in our timber hole. It was barely hanging on so we had to get it out. We all debated on how to best come at it and figured the old eat an elephant in small bites was the best strategy. I was cutting and a good friend was trying to keep it stable so it wouldn't roll. I cut most of it into small pieces then it cantalevered, swung up and hit my friend like Tyson in the face. Knocked him like and uppercut 2 feet off the ground. It dazed him pretty good and I think he was knocked out for a few seconds. Definitely didn't feel good. Fortunately a doctor was with us but, it could've been really bad Could've lost teeth, broken a nose or worse. No fast way out of those woods of it was serious. It was a freak thing but, that's my point. Freak stuff happens when you least expect it but could have lasting consequences. Remember to stay safe. No amount of ducks are worth someone getting hurt.
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Re: Duck Blind Danger

Postby SB » Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:55 pm

Glad he is going to be ok. Things can go wrong quickly with chainsaws and trees. Appreciate the reminder.
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Re: Duck Blind Danger

Postby Deltamud77 » Fri Oct 19, 2018 6:40 pm

Chainsaws and tree stands are probably the two most dangerous things the common man uses with frequency.

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