Prayer Request and story

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Prayer Request and story

Postby missed mallards » Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:41 am

If ya’ll all could, say a prayer for my wife. A couple of months back we experienced some major changes. I’ll be honest in saying, I didn’t understand the changes, and our marriage got off to a rocky start. The sad part was, she didn’t understand them neither and it went from bad to worse. I can honestly say, I thought I was “hard” enough to take on most anything without letting it get to me. Well, I found out differently. We found out a month ago the cause when of all people her eye doctor sent her to the emergency room. 4 nights of sleeping on a couch watching her cry in her sleep got the better of me. Its something I can’t fix, and right now, the ‘fix’ is uncertain. It’s depressed her something awful. The doctors are optimistic they can control it, but there still are variables that could occur. After talking to her doctor this morning, we found out the serious nature of the problem. I’ve watched her go from smiling all day, to a frown. I’ve seen more tears than I care too. I wish I could fix it, but can’t. It’s going to take time, a complete life change, and prayers. She goes tomorrow to talk to her supervisor to see what options she has (stressing her to the end). I hate seeing her like this. Anyway, If ya’ll would, throw up some prayers for her! I know she would thoroughly appreciate it.

Got board and let my mind drift, put it on paper. Figured I'd post it up for chit and giggles and such.

“Knee Boots”

After what seemed like a long discussion, it seemed a plan was devised to somehow get us, the gear, and the old dog to the south blind. Any other morning, this wouldn’t have been such a feat, but the challenges that lay ahead were worth planning for. As always, there was the time constraint of getting there before the morning arrival of birds. To add, the Mississippi delta clay was ‘just right’ for a complete mess. And I guess the most important item was the young lady that elected to tag along that morning. The challenges were a little more, but we will hit on those later. To sum it up, once the Ranger was placed in LOW, and the gas pedal pressed, the excitement started!

Now I can’t sit here and lie that we have to traverse some unforeseen obstacles in route to our hole. It’s rather simply a straight shot. It’s exactly one mile of road that you can see from one end to the other, literally, in a straight line. This road has been nicknamed the brown mile, and on that particular morning, no one questioned the origin of its name. I do believe by the time we reached the south well head, even the black dog was covered in clumps of brown gumbo. The important thing was that we made it. All 4 of us, the gear, guns, dog, and other odd and ends arrived. The feat of getting there was worth celebrating, as there was some doubt.

Now the fun was to begin. Standing in the willows, hidden behind layers and layers of brush, was the blind. I think, just guestamating it, there was a good 500 yards between the road and the door of the blind but I could be mistaken. It could have been further. The problem with the distance was the depth of the water between us and it. Now, depending on your hunting partners, thigh deep could range from a few inches to a couple of feet. In our instance, the door of the blind rested in only 12 inches of water. In other terms, if we could somehow maneuver the ranger into position, the young ladies knee boots would not hinder her from joining in on the fun.

I’ll admit, the previously few days’ rains had put in quite a bit more water into the small duck hole than anticipated. This was not immediately noticed at the road. We had gone a good football length before the headlights went under, the second time. I would say I was tense, and a little concerned, but it seemed like everyone else in the party of hunters were enjoying themselves. I didn’t take it to kindly when the duck-hole went dark, but I’ve been known to not have a sense of humor. Through it all, and by some such luck, by brother slide the ranger mere inches from the duck blind door. It couldn’t have been scripted any better, and too boot, we had time to spare to set up.

The plan had come together. We had made it down the mile, without bogging the ranger down. Through careful navigation, we had made it to the duck blind without flooding the motor. Through some luck, the knee boots were perfect for the setup. It was shaping up to be ‘one for the ages’. The wind was ideal. The clouds overcast. It was the perfect storm for the south blind, I mean other than a hot breakfast waiting we couldn’t ask for anything else. Then I did it!

With the ranger parked smack dab in the middle of the decoy spread, everyone in the blind, and minutes to shooting time I had to do it. I, of sound mind, placed the ranger in reverse, and with a quick tap of the gas pedal blew the primary clutch to smithereens. I never drove the ranger. The only two other times I was allowed to, the fuel pump went out and I literally lost a tire. Why, just why I did it that morning was and still is questioned. No matter, I took full responsibility for my foul up. I yanked the keys out, threw a temper tantrum, kicked the water, yelled, cussed, screamed, and if I would have been given my gun after asking for it, probably would have shot it! At that moment, I cared nothing for Polaris.

That morning, we watched as flock after flock worked the ranger. Sadly, the way it was positioned, we didn’t have a shot. The only thing the 4 of us could do was watch. And watch we did. Sometimes in life, when you realize there is a problem, the best thing to do is ignore it. That’s just what I did too. No matter how loud she asked how she was going to get to dry ground, I ignored her! The problem wasn’t the ranger being stuck out in the middle of the duck hole. Nor was the gear even a worry. The PROBLEM was I had a female in knee deep boots, and a 500 yard walk with water, over knee deep! Now THAT was a problem.

That morning, I watched a young lady manage to put on waders in thigh deep water without getting a drop in them. I watched her dredge through the mud, vines, and brush as they seem to pull at her every step. A girl that had never set foot in waders, with a little help from my brother, managed to maintain her balance, and overcome a huge obstacle to reach dry ground. I watched this entire event from the comfort of the only dry log I could find to stand on. I’ll have to give credit to my bud Greg, and brother for the help! If those two wouldn’t have been there I would have been in a shonuff predicament. With their help, they got my waders out to the blind to her, and helped her get from point A to point B. I learned two things that morning. The first, if you happen to spill coffee on your pants and soak them, it’s best to just keep them on under your waders. And secondly, your buddies will laugh at you when they can, no matter if you are standing on the side of a field in your underwear freezing or not.

That girl, made it back to the truck. In fact, we all 4 did. A phone call and trip to the tractor shed later, we had retrieved all gear, and even the ranger. We all 4 made several more hunts, none of which had quite the excitement. The young lady even tagged along long enough to say “I Do”. It’s often funny, when we all get together for a dinner, or simply to catch up, that story always wiggles its way into the conversation. Sometimes, and I’ll repeat myself, sometimes it all just works out for the best stories!
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Re: Prayer Request and story

Postby champcaller » Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:56 am

Prayers sent!
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Re: Prayer Request and story

Postby landscaper » Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:41 am

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Re: Prayer Request and story

Postby msudawg8087 » Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:42 am

Prayers sent. Hang in there man!
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Re: Prayer Request and story

Postby ShotgunSP » Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:14 am

prayers for yall. Enjoyed the story!
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Re: Prayer Request and story

Postby rjohnson » Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:27 am

Prayers going up for you two. Marriage is hard enough without a major struggle. Don't be too proud to ask for help along the way. I'm sure many on here will help you out whether it's something serious or just someone to grab a drink with and talk to.
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Re: Prayer Request and story

Postby bucks n beaks » Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:36 am

Prayers sent my man.
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Re: Prayer Request and story

Postby Tedl10 » Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:47 am

Prayers on the way
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Re: Prayer Request and story

Postby cwink » Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:48 am

Praying for you and your wife..
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Re: Prayer Request and story

Postby Bourbon » Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:59 am

More thoughts and prayers!
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Re: Prayer Request and story

Postby mfalkner » Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:10 am

Prayers up, bro. Not much guts a real man like his wife in pain that he can't fix.
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Re: Prayer Request and story

Postby eSJay » Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:48 pm

Prayers in route for your family Tom.
Good story as always, by the way.
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I believe in hitting him very hard with big shot from a big gun....."

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