McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby donia » Thu Apr 17, 2014 1:18 pm

^^^i've noticed this, too...i don't know if it is the slight smirk/tight smile or if it is the inflection/cadence of his speaking.
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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby Deltamud77 » Thu Apr 17, 2014 3:10 pm

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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby chopper30 » Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:56 am

I'm voting Thad. I don't believe in career politicians, but also am not a fan of the Tea Party's emotional, infectious, knee jerk reactions splitting the Republican party. They claim they are doing good, but all they are really doing is dividing conservatives and letting Democrats like Pelosi, Obama and Reid run the country. Had one argue me that Thad hadn't done anything for MS and that McDaniel was in touch with us... How can any self proclaimed educated person claim that Thad hasn't done anything for this agricultural state?

Y'all do what you want, but most of you are missing the big picture and just jumping on the ship. Back in college, I was asked to sign a petition about on campus parking. This petition had literally hundreds of signatures. Reading it I asked why anyone would sign this petition to eliminate on campus parking? The two coeds seeking signatures had no idea that's what the petition was for and were just trying to be involved and "help". That's what I feel these crazy Tea Party leaders are doing to the public. Sometimes I feel like the same people leading this "movement" are the same folks you see on that Dombs Day Preppers tv show.

And you all should be educated enough to not believe everything you hear from political advertisements especially PAC funded advertisements that the candidates cannot legally be involved with. Is this really how some of you decide who you are voting on?
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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby peewee » Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:24 am

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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby mudsucker » Mon Apr 21, 2014 11:54 am

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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby billjohnson » Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:31 pm

You boys don't have to worry about me voting for your Senator because I'm in Alabamy but anybody that votes for a single incumbent deserves what they get. Seniority be damned! That's what's wrong with the whole system. There was never any intent of a career politician and I'll never vote for an incumbent for dogcatcher. One term is good enough for all of them. Sorry, that just popped out!
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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby Hambone » Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:02 pm

Chopper30 is spot-on.
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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby deltadukman » Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:05 pm

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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby fireplug » Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:34 pm

Who on here thinks the current incumbents would ever vote to support term limits? (cherp, cherp,crickets) Yep, that's what I thought. Until we get a new crop of people in office that support term limits (Which McDaniels does) then we will never correct the system. But maybe that's what everyone wants. Maybe everyone wants to stay on the government tit. I pray for our country, and if anyone thinks Thad Cochran is or ever has been a patriot for this country, you are living in lala land. Not saying McDaniel will be either, but all I can go on is what the man told me himself. He's for term limits and plans to introduce it when he gets there. Good enough for me. See how many of you get Thad to even talk to you let alone say he's for term limits. (40 yr vet) It's in the Good Lord's hands and what ever happens is his will whether we like it or not.
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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby Deltamud77 » Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:55 am

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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby Deltamud77 » Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:06 am

Question...what does the Republican Party represent now?

If you look at national, establishment Republicans like Boehner and now Haley Barbour and Jeb Bush, it seems that they represent:
(1) Large business (See the National Chamber of Commerce)
(2) The Military Industrial Complex
(3) Amnesty for Illegals
(4) I assume religious freedom
(5) Pro-Gun Rights
(6) they claim to be for less entitlements
(7) they claim to be anti-abortion

What else?

What does the Tea Party represent?

(1) Balanced Budget
(2) Lower taxes
(3) Against amnesty
(4) Stronger borders
(5) Strong military - less international involvement
(6) reduced entitlements
(7) strongly anti-gay marriage
(8) strongly anti-abortion
(9) Less government involvement in all aspects of life.
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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby jwayne » Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:15 am

[quote="chopper30"]I'm voting Thad. I don't believe in career politicians, but also am not a fan of the Tea Party's emotional, infectious, knee jerk reactions splitting the Republican party. They claim they are doing good, but all they are really doing is dividing conservatives and letting Democrats like Pelosi, Obama and Reid run the country. Had one argue me that Thad hadn't done anything for MS and that McDaniel was in touch with us... How can any self proclaimed educated person claim that Thad hasn't done anything for this agricultural state?

Y'all do what you want, but most of you are missing the big picture and just jumping on the ship. Back in college, I was asked to sign a petition about on campus parking. This petition had literally hundreds of signatures. Reading it I asked why anyone would sign this petition to eliminate on campus parking? The two coeds seeking signatures had no idea that's what the petition was for and were just trying to be involved and "help". That's what I feel these crazy Tea Party leaders are doing to the public. Sometimes I feel like the same people leading this "movement" are the same folks you see on that Dombs Day Preppers tv show.

And you all should be educated enough to not believe everything you hear from political advertisements especially PAC funded advertisements that the candidates cannot legally be involved with. Is this really how some of you decide who you are voting on?[/quote]

Maybe it’s time these conservatives you talk about take a look at themselves and see if what they are currently doing is working. Here is a hint "It is not unless you are one of them".... If they were conservative then there would be no need for the Tea party in the first place. Do you remember when the Tea Party first came about? Man, every Republican and some Democrats, in the country jumped on board and were all in love until they found out that "true conservative" affected the way they currently operate. Open your eyes man. Put the Cool Aid down. Until people decide that there is no difference in Republican and Democrat they are all the same and that it’s really us against them nothing will change. But that’s what the Tea Party offers and why I will vote for true change. You seem to be a really intelligent person. Think about it…..
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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby chopper30 » Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:29 am

So what all you non-incumbent guys are saying is if Thad wins the primary that y'all are going to vote for Travis Childers?
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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby chopper30 » Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:56 am

I bet he's for term limits, until he gets to Washington. I've never in my life heard a politician running for office at any level lie to a person to tell him what he wants to here. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Vickers, trust me I know what the majority of delta farmers vote. That's why Benny is still in office. He takes care of them, they take care of him.

That's what it's about, our elected officials taking care of us. Whether you believe they should give you free insurance, cell phone, food stamps or whether you believe they should support conservation, infrastructure and gun rights or whether all you care about is balancing the budget, you are voting on the person you think will best take care of you. I personally care about conservation (of coarse I'm not one of the tin hat guys that thinks DU and the Feds are shortstopping ducks), infrastructure, gun rights, and protecting our country both here and abroad while not putting my great grand kids in debt. Does that mean I'm for lower taxes? Yes on some things, but also think the State and Federal gas tax should be increased by at least 25% if not reworked all together, think the Federal duck stamp price should be doubled (I've bought two stamps each of the past two years) and don't mind food stamps being in the farm bill as long as conservation initiatives are included as well. It's give and take, just like my marriage. I'm not saying your opinion is right or wrong, I am saying that for a fact the Tea Party is splitting conservatives and hurting the party (both Republican and Tea Party voters alike) while the Democrats are sitting back loving it. You can't build the Empire State Building over night. What everyone should be worried about is the liberals, not how conservative a conservative candidate is. The most moderate conservative is better than a liberal.

I really didn't expect to get this many comments, and don't have time to address them all. Sorry,
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Re: McDaniel v Cochran - Thoughts

Postby jwayne » Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:00 am

As I self-proclaimed Independent Conservative, I don’t vote by party (Don’t believe in them) so I would not rule out Travis Childers until I had a look at him...Can’t remember much about him.

And also one other thing
You said "How can any self proclaimed educated person claim that Thad hasn't done anything for this agricultural state?" I can’t stand when people bring this up. And my answer would be that he has but, THAT’S HIS JOB. THAT’S WHAT HE WAS SENT THERE TO DO.

Would you recommend a plumber who, let’s say, stopped your toilet from leaking but also took a dump in your living room floor. I would think not but it’s the same principle.

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