Story plus could use some prayers

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missed mallards
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Story plus could use some prayers

Postby missed mallards » Wed Sep 07, 2022 12:54 pm

Prayers are welcomed. Just keep our family on your list for a little while! recieved some tuff news the past days and just could use them.

“Just a break”

Hot summer days and manual labor have molded many a man. I’m sure it isn’t as prevalent in todays society, but in my younger years a day swinging an ax, shoveling mud, or moving hay was a part of growing up. I’m not saying it was bad or good, but it taught us. It taught some that they needed to stay in shape, it taught some they loved the work, and it taught others it wasn’t for them. I was in the category of “it ain’t for me” and was taught the valuable lesson in a hot hay field. To this day, when I pass that grassy patch, I still count myself lucky. I’ll never forget looking up and asking which truck wanted the bale. I was as serious as could be as I had not one but three options. Or so I thought. The heat, long hours, and exhaustion had finally caught me, and catch me it did. Luckily, there was someone there to stop me before it got worse. You’ve probably seen someone like him, old, weathered, and can still out work most men half his age. Well that old man sat me down and told me to take a break, just a break, and I’d be ok.

I can’t begin to describe how good the water was that came from that old orange igloo cooler. Nor how the shade of the oak seemed to allow the hard delta dirt under it a comfortable resting spot. I can say, the old man was right. After just a break, I was ok. After a long cool down under the oak, the old man got me up and back on my feet. He didn’t encourage me to continue throwing hay. Instead, I had other duties that somehow were more tailored to me. I went from tossing hay to counting bales and collecting the funds. Of course my ‘buddies’ were ragging me for not being able to keep up, but at the moment everyone had a job and were responsible for it. They were responsible for getting the hay on the trailer, I was responsible for making sure all funds were paid in full before the trailer left the field. With ‘just a break’, I was able to keep on contributing.

Fast forward it a decade and some many years, and I found myself in a troubling way. No, I wasn’t in a hay field about to pass out. Instead, I was sitting in my office, in an air conditioner, and in a comfortable chair. The trouble was I was beginning to feel as though I did that day so many years ago in the hay field. That day I lost control physically. In my office, I was beginning to feel as though mentally I was losing my composure. The funny part was it had nothing to do with work. My mental state wasn’t affected by my daily duties on the job. No this was much more serious; it was my life as I knew it. In just a few short hours, in just a few phone calls, everything had gone from ok, to not ok. When you look at the clock, calculate the time, and are completely astonished that it took so little time to shake your life, you can find yourself in a troubled state. I just thought back on that day in the hay field when I seemingly lost control of everything and realized I just needed a break!

A simple minute, a moment, or some walking around time was what I thought would help. I wrote a story about Job a little while ago and took a minute in my break to reread it and correct all the grammatical errors. As I read it, I found myself in prayer. In the last few months, the man upstairs has seemingly been on my speed dial. Thankfully, I have that. Even so, a break to vent is always good, and sometimes writing it all out just helps. It’s been a great way to help destress and get my junked up mental state into somewhat a state of less confusion. That’s probably some type of double adjective or something. Who cares, I’m writing to release! I’m using the keyboard as the water from the cooler, the screen for the old oak, and a few minutes to just rest.

So physically when you’re sore, you find a release. You rub a tired muscle, you stretch a tight one, and you ice a strained one. Being I’m going mentally crazy and needing a release, I’m going to put back on my trouble shoes and just type. In the last 2 weeks this has been my life.
Brother’s boss quits 2 months ago, so he takes over the everyday duties. After 2 months the ‘numbers’ are better than they’ve ever been. His reward when they opened the position, didn’t even get an interview! That was last week. His character, he finds out he didn’t get the job but cooks for the office in appreciation for getting the numbers up. He calls yesterday with the news his wife has cancer. Now they wait for insurance to decide what they can do (literally, waiting on someone to decide on how they go about treating it).
Grandfathers dementia gets to the point he knows no one anymore and can’t live without assistance. His sitter has a stroke and she was the only one that he’d ‘tolerate’. He’s been moved into a new place that can deal with his condition. It’s not going good as he doesn’t understand. He can’t even function in life anymore which is sad, absolutely heart breaking to watch.
My grandmother tries to take on the responsibility and has a stroke (stress) last week (hence why grandfather had to be moved). Did I mention a week prior she finds out she has some form of cancer? Couldn’t get in because they have covid as the sitter didn’t bother to tell anyone she had it. This week she’s supposed to follow up with doc. So yeah, that’s my SIL, and grandmother
My stepdads checkup yesterday, a mass was found. They are getting biopsy this week or today, I can’t even keep up. Hopefully, it’s not cancer.
my wife’s has interviewed for 2 jobs within the ‘company’ job A and job B. A is one she already does as the guy retired 3 months ago. She gets an offer last week for job B. Her supervisor will not release her to move. both jobs have a better job title, plus money, plus other benefits, but a NO. She’s to valuable at her position. No Raise. She’s pregnant by the way so she was really looking forward to it. Kicked down for doing to good of a job? I don’t get it sometimes.

Do you know how I long for a cold cup of ice water, a shade tree in the middle of nowhere, and to sit my fat butt on some hard ground right now just to take a ‘mental’ break? I wish life was as simple as tossing some hay right now. I’d even strap on some lacrosse rubber boats and go back to the days of shoveling mud on the rice farm with my grandfather. An ax and a solid piece of pecan to get cord ready for next winter? Step away and watch me sling chips everywhere!

I guess the moral of the story, everyone is going through everything. Sometimes you do need to take a break and find you some solitude. Sometimes things happen you don’t understand. And in it all, we still pray. We still keep the big man up to date with the help we need. I long for tomorrow to live again and ride the wave of life, but man just a break from reality would be so nice. So yeah, tossing hay teaches lessons too. watch what your doing, understand what you can do, and pay attention to what's being done!
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Re: Story plus could use some prayers

Postby teul2 » Wed Sep 07, 2022 2:25 pm

Good read Tom, and prayers sent. I've been where you are, just maybe not as many layers deep, and it sucks. I have found some solace in writing it down sometimes too. I just suck at writing. But lately, I have relied on an old, very simple quote for both peace in hard times and humility in good.
This too shall pass.

You think the world is falling down around your ears, and nothing can help you?
This too shall pass.

Think that you are on top of the world and no one can beat you?
This too shall pass.

You may not like the outcome of what ever situation you are in, or ya may love it, but it WILL pass. And all you can do learn from it, accept it, and hopefully be a better person on the other side.

Wishing the best for you and yours sir.
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Re: Story plus could use some prayers

Postby JLT » Wed Sep 07, 2022 6:13 pm

Look up “This To Shall Pass” on YouTube
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Re: Story plus could use some prayers

Postby missed mallards » Thu Sep 08, 2022 12:51 pm


Y’all are correct. This too shall pass! Just needed an out at the time.

It’s like I’ve told my daughter time and time again, negativity feeds on negativity and my mind was a buffet. Had to clear it, regroup, and get back in the right frame of it. And yes I know, it could be worse. I/we/family Just have to take the next challenges with stride and go forward with a different outlook.
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Re: Story plus could use some prayers

Postby teul2 » Thu Sep 08, 2022 2:32 pm

You must be referring to this one.

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Re: Story plus could use some prayers

Postby SCOOTER » Fri Sep 09, 2022 2:03 pm

Good read, i'm 58 and this world has been turned upside down for 20-30 years now, the late 70's and early 80's , life seamed really good. Crazy times we live in
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Re: Story plus could use some prayers

Postby lilwhitelie » Fri Sep 09, 2022 10:20 pm

Man I always enjoy the stories you post but I know this one was a therapeutic one and lord knows you have a writing gift. Either way it was another good one and I sure hope things take a turn for the better for all involved. It sure sounds like it’s time for the pendulum to swing in y’all’s favor at least ONE time!!!! Praying for ya man. Hang in there and pound that keyboard all you need to!!!

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