"Ole Job"

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missed mallards
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"Ole Job"

Postby missed mallards » Tue Aug 30, 2022 12:17 pm

I haven't written anything besides reports in several years. For some odd reason I opened word and just began to type. Honestly, I felt good about it. Decent message, and I haven't posted anything in years so here you go.

Ole Job

Lunch was finished, and like many heavy meals, the need to stretch out for a whole second became apparent. It didn’t take me long before the cushion on the couch had coaxed my rear into a few minute get away. I had sat for just a few minutes when the phone began it’s ritual of disturbing my peace. Hesitant to answer would be one way of saying it, but overall the phone had not brought peace to me that day. Nonetheless, the caller identification showed an important person in my life, so answer and brace I did. To my upmost surprise, it was the best call of the day! Words like great, cool, awesome, and even congrats were all part of the conversation. No four letter words nor anything bad even crossed the speaker. As I hung up, I realized a huge smile had crossed my face, and I just began to laugh. All I could think about was ole Job, you know, the guy in the bible?

Now let me preface this by saying how Job got introduced into my life. I was 6 maybe 7 years old and spring that year meant I could tag along with my pappy, or grandfather, and be his ears! Sounds weird, but way back when my grandfather had a tank fire off a round that deadend his hearing on his right side. Spring time in Mississippi means a few things, but turkey hunting even back in those days was something we looked forward too, especially my pappy. So, I was my grandads ears that weekend and was proudly there for location purposes.

Now where we hunted was way off the beaten path on some borrowed ground. I say borrowed as I’m not sure if we had permission to be on it or not as we seemingly snuck in, but either way it was a long treck back in there. The eve before the morning hunt, my grandfather and I found ourselves nested in the big timber next to the sandy creek. As we sat there, I noticed a set of boot tracks in the area. As it would happen, the tracks lead straight to the creek, down the steep bank, and across to the other side. To much to my surprise, my pappy had noticed them too, I just didn’t’ know it at the time.

Now dinner with my pappy and Uncle typically meant steak, or the diner. There was no in between. So when we returned that evening in the darkness, it was not one argument made about the diner being the best option. With no more effort or thought, we loaded up the old GMC and headed into the dark night to find the nearest diner. I believe it was after the waitress had taken our order that I noticed the red clay on the sole of my uncle’s boots. Almost as though I had asked, my uncle slowly crossed his legs revealing the sole. The sole, the track from the creek, the red clay adhering to it. It all became clear. I guess it was about the same time that my pappy saw it also. Then the argument started! I’m here to tell you, two old men arguing in a country diner about poaching on one another’s hunting spot can get quite comical. My grandad jabbering about being too old for creek hopping with a cane, and my uncle grumbling about him minding his own business. Then my uncle made the comment “well t, I’m like JOB, I’m going to keep on keeping on no matter the obstacles”. That’s how I heard about the infamous JOB.

The funny part, I hadn’t no idea what they were talking about. I didn’t know Job, or anything much about the guy. It was funny and a memory so somehow, it got stuck in my memory bank. I didn’t know until 30 years later when my wife, myself, and kid walked into a random church how it would all come full circle. I can remember the preacher telling the good word, I can remember the astonishment I felt for poor job, and I can remember thinking of how strong he musta been to endure. I’ll never forget my daughter saying “dang dad, I hope I don’t have to go through what Job did”. I didn’t have an answer as to why he was the unlucky one, but something about Job’s story has stuck with me. When times don’t go as expected, I often think of Ole Job. When I need to find some more grit, Job comes to mind. Ironically enough, as I tossed the phone that day on the couch, it was as though Job just walked right on in to remind me that it’s ok.

That day, I took some time to think about everything that has happened in this year alone. Every month and even every week seemed to have something odd or life altering happen. Granted, some changes were well received, while others will take years to overcome. It has been an explosion of emotions, and in some cases the explosions seemed to happen at the least opportune time. To sum it up, imagine knowing you need to hit the brakes yet, slip the clutch and slam the accelerator. That’s a fairly good way of explaining the last few months. All the while not knowing if you are a passenger or the driver. Things like that make you think, and ole Job has been the focus of many a thought. A man who had conviction. A man who’s focus was on one point, who didn’t waiver, and who kept to the road that lead towards his eternal goals. A strong man to say the least. Yeah, Job, a man in the bible who went through more than I could imagine, has helped me through my seemingly small trials. Sometimes, you have to be like Job and keep on keeping on. It’s the understanding there’s someone watching out for you that helps in troubled times!
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Re: "Ole Job"

Postby lilwhitelie » Tue Aug 30, 2022 8:27 pm

Not many left in this joint but man I’m glad you are still here!!! I hope you don’t waste your talents just on this forum. I sure do get into all of your stories. You have a gift to make people hinge on every word. Keep it up and keep them coming!!!

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