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Will CCP virus affect your club?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:38 pm
by cupnglide
Just asking the question, are members of your club dropping out? Are they scared of the virus? Are they still in financial difficulties because lockdowns have cratered the main street economy?

Re: Will CCP virus affect your club?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 12:47 pm
by teul2
If I had to guess, no. But I don't have a club.
80% of the people I interact with are over it. The others, my wife included, are of the mindset that they are doing it for someone else's benefit. The only people in our church wearing masks Sunday were my family (me cause it's easier than hearing her mad) and be priest. Wearing a mask to walk 15 yards across a restaurant just to take it off there is among the most absurd things I've done in my adult life. The only place I've been in the last 6 months that I felt it could possibly be a good idea was this weekend in the Memphis Zoo, cause, well, it's Memphis.

All that to say I am over it, and I think most people realize that the extremely low odds of catching it, coupled with the extremely low odds of death, do not warrant the constant over reaction people are still having.

Re: Will CCP virus affect your club?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:57 pm
by arduckslayer
We haven’t lost any members over it. We’re taking a few extra safety precautions than normal and just asking everybody to be smart and about it and be conscientious of the others that hunt there. Meaning if you’re sick, don’t come hunt.