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what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:46 am
by donia
yeti came out of the gate late and seemed whiney at first, but now shedding more light than yeti (still). conspiracy theorists say the VC are trying to tank stock cost to buy buy buy before it goes public on nyse...realists saying VC thought nra partnership would hurt the stock earnings in the long run and took opportunity to nix partnership after parkland, fla...plenty of people taking a sawsall to their $400-$600 coolers and posting it on social media (look how ignant I am!!)

what say you??

Re: what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:00 am
by novacaine
I dont think im gonna saw a cooler in half............
Wonder how many decal cowboys are gonna scrap their Yeti sticker(the 1 next to their NRA sticker) off the back glass?
I guess these companies that jump ship with NRA have some statistics guru locked in a cubical somewhere that can tell them what percentage of their client base is anti-gun/anti-NRA but sometimes it just doesnt seem to make sense.
Oh well, Wally world still sells coolers although they may not be bear proof..........

Re: what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:38 am
by teul2

Re: what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:48 am
by teul2
In summary ..............

Re: what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:22 pm
by stang67

Re: what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:40 pm
by gps4
well, i was boycotting yeti long before this $hit$torm on account of their overpriced products. i don't have a yeti cooler (or a yeti window sticker) and i'm not a paying member of the NRA, so i really don't have a dog in the fight.

but, i do find it ironic that the same folks destroying high priced goods in protest of a company that purportedly slighted the NRA will still spend countless hours patronizing entertainment and social media companies (ESPN, facebook, twitter, instragram, etc) that would love nothing more than seeing the 2A repealed.

Re: what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:23 pm
by Denduke
Better side with NRA. To heck with dang coolers. Better support pro gun cuz lotta Idiots in this world wanta destroy hunting, 2nd amendment by the way....

Re: what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:38 pm
by mshunter77
My first question is how many of the people that are so mad are paying NRA members? If you are not then in my opinion you don’t have a dog in the fight. Second I would never pay that much for a cooler anyway. I can get Yetis half off all the time through the pro program and sometimes more than that and I still don’t own one. Third if you boycot every business that supports or does not support something you believe in you are not going to be able to shop anywhere. I wonder if Yeti is so quiet because they are working on a defamation case?

Re: what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:22 am
by donia
I don't have, nor will I pay for, a yeti cooler...too much $$$ for what I would purpose it for. I have a couple of tumblers, but not gonna crush them for sure (even the gift/won ones), they serve me well...and not a life-member of the nra and as stated previously - I don't make any monies from or off of either of the two - i don't have a dog in the fight.

a lotta good points have been made for either side. unless we were part of the "process" of the decision (or at least a solid paper trail/time line produced), we really don't have a good solid base to argue one side or the other. just a lotta "he said, she said", at this point.

Re: what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:06 pm
by peewee
Personally I’d never buy a Yeti due to price. I am a NRA member and believe it could have been handled better by both parties but I think most folks are fooling themselves if they didn’t think Yeti wanted to separate themselves with gun lovers. Their Yankees stock holders got on the PC chain and it has bitten them. They are in damage control mode now.

Re: what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:03 pm
by Po Monkey Lounger
Based upon what I have read about this Yeti/NRA brouhaha, it is my understanding that Yeti made this move to separate itself from its affiliation with the NRA in anticipation of a public stock offering. Apparently, a decision was made by someone that such a break was necessary in light of the recent gun control hysteria. Donia hit the nail on the head.

Yeti's explanation left no doubt that the company's leaders are not truly committed to the NRA's mission of defending our 2nd Amendment rights.

Yeti is certainly entitled to do what it thinks best for the company. From my perspective, it appears that Yeti failed to take into consideration its customer base, which includes a lot of hunters and outdoorsmen committed to protecting our 2nd amendment rights. Knowing your customers is Business 101. Only time will tell if it was the right decision monetarily.

There are many other quality cooler companies out there to buy from, including some who, I'm sure, will be more than happy to affiliate with the NRA. So, if you feel aggrieved by Yeti's actions and lukewarm stance on the 2nd amendment, then you are free to express such with your pocketbook.

As for destroying Yeti products, that's a little over the top and will do nothing to hurt Yeti, if such is your intent. (Yeti already got your money). A better alternative would be to sell it cheap on the Internet, flooding the market with cheap Yeti coolers, hurting new sales by Yeti. Or, you could ship your unwanted Yeti to me. Ha.

Re: what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 1:25 pm
by DuckBoat
My take on it is that it is sad that the liberal agenda has got this country to the point that this is even an issue.

Re: what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 8:01 am
by peewee

Re: what's your take on nra/yeti kerfuffle

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 8:02 am
by Click