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Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:43 pm
by missed mallards
I've Been looking hard at gathering some advanced education. Seems it wouldn't hurt regardless.

Anyway, for those who've completed the GMAT, what's it like?

Crunching the #'s and it's feasible for the investment. Calling around now and inquiring to see what all is needed. Hoping I can get accepted in one of the schools. Will find out.


Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:45 pm
by CW
It's been a while, but way back when, it was loosely associated with business/mgt but more logic if I recall correctly. I do remember taking a prep course that helped a lot.


Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:39 pm
by heelsit
1. I had been out of undergrad for almost 12 years when I went back for my MBA. Here's how I approached GMAT:
2. Found out whether the MBA programs I wanted took the highest or the most recent GMAT. Both took the highest. Decided to give myself time to take GMAT twice, if needed, in order to apply.
3. Did no prep for first GMAT, other than good night's sleep prior to.
4. Took the first one, identified weak areas, took the review course and concentrated on weak areas.
5. Took GMAT again and did fine.
Good luck!


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:22 am
by DoubleBandMS
I took it 3 years ago. The English part was really easy but math was more difficult. There is a great deal of geometry and other problems you probably havnt seen in some time. Get the prep books from a reputable company like Kaplan and take lots of practice test. You'll do fine.


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:41 am
by jacksbuddy
From what I am told, all of these admissions tests for advanced degrees (GMAT, GRE, etc.) have been updated dramatically to include, not only more material, but more diverse material as well. My advice is to verify information about the program. Not just check to see which test they require, because they can require different scores, but also check their accreditation. (Believe it or not, everyone is not equal in the graduate school realm.)

Then I would invest in a preparatory class for the test. This will do a couple of things for you. It will get you back to being ready to take a college class by making you go to a class and relearning how to study for a test. And, it will teach you what you need to know in order to pass the test. Let's face it. The purpose of the test is to get you into school. Once in, your score on the GMAT/GRE doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that you get in then do what it takes to earn the degree. (Do you know what you call the guy who graduated last in his class at medical school? A doctor.)

Good luck and keep us posted.


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:02 am
by ccope
I took it 6-7 years ago right out of undergrad. The math is what I struggled with due to being things that I hadn't seen since high school. It's a timed test so I recommend as well to take several practice test to get you used to working against the clock.


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:36 pm
by bustercat64
I took the MBA program at DSU several years ago and they did not require the GMAT but I had to take a extra coarse or two to get into the program. We went every other weekend for 2 or 3 years, I don't know if they still offer this program or not.


Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 12:47 pm
by tobydawg


Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:56 am
by sunnylab
I wouldn't worry about the GMAT. I really don't remember taking was a big haze for me. I didn't study, or take a prep course..i just went and took it. I apparently scored high enough to get into the MBA program.

Big question is....will going back to school and furthering your education ever REALLY pay off?? I have a good job and had to move a couple states away from MS to find opportunity, but my success and position with my company has nothing to do with my Bachelors or Masters degrees. They are both framed in my sister's closet somewhere. My situation has only been dictated by my hard work and willing to learn in the real world.

Back in 2010 while job hunting in the good ol state of MS...I had to take my MBA off of my resume to get into job interviews. I was unemployed for 1 year with an MBA. Was working crap jobs just so i didn't feel totally worthless. Only had 1 real good job interview with growth potential and they gave it to an african american with less experience and education. I hope that worked out for them. Best thing that ever happened to me now that I look back on it.

Good Luck. I would decide what I wanted to do or where I wanted to work. That should answer some of the questions of will the MBA be worth your time. Some larger companies may hire you and invest in your education. You may could get your MBA paid for that way.


Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 11:53 am
by tru grit
Taking it next Saturday to get into the MA program at Ole Miss this fall. has by far the best review, IMO. I've had a few buddies take the GMAT recently and the ones who used this review scored higher; could've had nothing to do with the books but... of all the prep guides i've looked at, none compare to manhattan.


Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 3:55 pm
by wingman21
If I remember correctly when I registered to take the test online it gave you a handful of practice questions and explained how each section worked. I just read the directions and did two practice problems of each type the night before, so I wouldn't lose test time reading directions I should already have read.

The one thing I will tell you is if the questions seem really hard and keep getting harder don't be discouraged. Many of those test now get increasingly more difficult with each correct answer, so harder questions may mean you are guessing well.

Also learn about how the test is scored. Ex. You will score higher with the same number of correct answers if the first question of each section is answered correctly. knowing things like that will help you with time allocation and management.

good luck


Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 9:20 am
by ms_deer_hunter
Delta State has an MBA program still that does not require the test !


Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 1:36 pm
by missed mallards
Thanks for all the replies.