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"I don't know chit"

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 5:24 am
by Seymore
For those wondering why I have taken to ending my posts lately with this bit of wisdom it is because of a fight I had with my 21 year old daughter a few days ago. She leaves for Florida today on Spring Break and I gave her the fatherly lecture about do's and dont's. Specifically, come back with the same number of holes in your body you left with and there better not be any inch of color on your body that can't wash off. Talking about a tattoo or "tat" as her generation has taken to calling them. Anyway, we got in a big argument about the tat and I told her it was not a very classy thing for a lady to have showing in a professional work environment and she replied she knew bunches of folks. Argument escalted from there but it ended with me telling her, "Yep, you are right. You're mother and I both went to college and have grad degrees but we don't know chit about life."

Y'all say a few prayers this weekend that my daughter and her newly found adulthood come back in one piece and in the same condition as when she left.

Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:21 am
by SFDdelta1
I got a guy that works for me that regrets having ever got one.


Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:33 am
by lowbar
My niece who is 28 had multiple surgeries and paid 10 times more than it cost to get hers to have it removed.

Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:52 am
by duck_nutt
i feel your pain brother...mine is 19...a while back he mama let her get a bellybutton ring...i was totally against it...told her it was skanky.....few weeks ago she came home from college and told me , "daddy, I'm no longer a skank" i was confused because i had forgotter about the conversation....then she told me she took her bellybutton ring out for

edited to say: bellybutton rings have their place in this world, just not on our daughters!

Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:27 pm
by aweyerman
From a young guy's perspective, you're right. One good thing, holes heal up. My last girlfriend had tattoos definitely not as "sexy" as she thought they were. I have a tendency to look past next month when it comes to the future, something not many in my generation do.

Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:08 pm
by jbs38654
Damn y'all are raining on my parade

Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:14 pm
by deltadukman

Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:29 pm
by hillhunter
I remember when I was like that.... when I grew up I realized that 90% of the things they said were right. SO glad I didn't get a tatoo, but I never really really wanted one either. 90% of the people I know regret the one they have and can't pay to get rid of. Good luck though Seymore, I really hope I don't have to be in those shoes one day, but probably will at some point.

Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:19 pm
by H20fowlkiller
Come on dad you mean when when she gave you the line you don't know chit, you didn't tell her "your right and I'm som dumb I'm gonna loose your keys, any money I WAS going to give you, and I also may forget to pay your tuition, you because I donT know chit and I would rather just hold onto it rather than send it to the wrong address because I'm so dumb" as a yound man whose parents who ruled me with an iron fist and didn't give me an inch think I've turned into a pretty decent young man with a wife and child never missed a payment on anything. On the other hand my parents let my brother and sister get away with murder, the only reason my brother Has a degree (barely got it in some study I've never even heard of) is because of football and my parents never pushed him hard enough, and my sister wants to drop out of junior college to become a fashion designer. They may hate you now buT will love you later.

Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:55 pm
by Chuckle12
I got one I don't want anymore. I was gonna get it removed, paid some dude $150 to laser it... hurt like a mofo, waaaayyyyy worse than getting it inked. He said it would take at least 7 more treatments to get it off... over $1k!! I didn't go back. At least it's not in a visible spot. :lol:

Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:17 pm
by jbs38654

Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:39 pm
by JDgator
Did Mrs. Seymore jump in with the nursing skills and warn her that tattoo needles that aren't clean can lead to disease? Many, many unlicensed tattoo artists down there for spring break. They don't care if they give you diseases or infections or just plain bad tattoos. I am from Florida, I know...

Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:51 pm
by Denduke
My $.02...Rather than fight your kids, counsel and suggest things. And make sure you're there when they fall. After awhile of mistakes and "Daddy you were right in the first place" down the road they'll take your advice more often. Tatoos are just like "bones in de noses" ... archaic and heathan.... :lol: Might want appeal to their sense of worth rather than sense of style or fad...Funny thing to me about tatoos is people go around half naked just to make sure they show'em off... :lol: My favorite is the spider web on da elbow :wink: Later DL

Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:37 am
by jacksbuddy
What is it Mark Twain said? "The older I get, the smarter my father was."

My prayers are with you Seymore. Keep us posted on what happens, or - more importantly - what does NOT happen. Good luck.

Re: "I don't know chit"

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:13 am
by H20 Fowl