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Re: Trump

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:52 pm
by sunnylab
Billionaire business man that will bring some BALLS back into the White House vs another attorney/politician

I don't even know why there is still a debate.

FYI: Both Trump's sons are big bowhunters.

Re: Trump

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:58 pm
by fireplug

Re: Trump

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 2:22 pm
by Wildfowler
Looks like he will be speaking on Monday at Madison central. ... 21888261=1

Re: Trump

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 2:24 pm
by dukluk
Speaking of the KKK and's this gonna play out with the Democraps???....the late Senator Robert Byrd was a KKK leader....h3ll, Obama even gave the eulogy at his funeral service !!!

Re: Trump

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 2:34 pm
by dukluk
Madison Central High School is a BIG place....but, it ain't gonna be big enough for the folks who are gonna support Donald Trump !!!!!....just saying.

Re: Trump

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:08 pm
by dukluk
Here's how the government works:

Re: Trump

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:36 pm
by levi127

Re: Trump

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:19 am
by dukluk
After tonite's debate, if you don't believe Fox, Rubio, and Cruz weren't all in cahoots to attack Trump, then you are from another planet....however, evidently, they forgot to let poor ole Kasich in on their plan. :lol:

Nearly every question was baited, so as to incite an argument with Trump....however, I believe Trump's numbers will still rise because he stood his ground.

Btw, what the h3ll was that white stuff, hanging onto Cruz's lip????....maybe during the break, he blew a seal....ooops, sorry, old joke. :lol:

Re: Trump

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:43 am
by duramax

Re: Trump

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:13 am
by JLT
I think Trump could be guilty of working hard as POTUS to make sure that he doesn't damage the legacy that he has been building for years. Why would he want to come in as president and fail? I am still not 100% sold on him.......mainly struggling with his apparent lack of morals. I don't care too much about his political knowledge. People like him will surround themselves with the most brilliant people available to get things done. He could be great and he could be a great big flop...........#Undecided...........

FYI.......Cruz is my only other option. I'm not a Rubio fan.

Re: Trump

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:22 am
by Agua

Re: Trump

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 4:25 pm
by bustercat64
I feel at the end of the day this will be the best thing that has happened to the republican Party and our country in my life time. It will show that we thought we was in control but we are finding out that people behind the sens control it all or thought they did. The Democrats have the same problem but they haven't had a person break ranks yet but maybe Obama was that person and the establishment on the left knew better than to fight.

Re: Trump

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:27 pm
by lilwhitelie
Let's say Rubio wins florida and kasich wins ohio but trump wins majority of states as he has so far and it goes to the convention. It would destroy the party and would never be repaired. THE PEOPLE are speaking and if they undermine that and do something shady I would expect trump to run as an independent if he doesn't win the convention. I wouldn't blame him one bit. All the people that have joined to vote...the numbers are staggering compared to past elections...would stay home or vote for trump because it would show the republican base doesn't care about WE THE PEOPLE. Kasich would be a great VP but I'm afraid he wants it to go to a convention just like the rest. Funny the would you support trump question came up. Remember the first debate when they wanted to make trump pledge allegiance to the GOP??? They have unleashed everything and everyone to derail him.

Re: Trump

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 9:17 pm
by davidees
Lots of crying and whining about baited questions and how everyone came after Trump and all, but one thing's for sure- if you can't tell that dude really has no substance, no real plan, then you're not paying attention...then the thing about the military- "They're gonna do whatever I tell them to do, believe me." Really? Really? In all his rhetoric has he ever even MENTIONED the constitution?

Re: Trump

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 2:08 am
by dukluk
Hundreds of times.