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Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:07 am
by NyssaAquatica

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:24 am
by davidees

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:36 am
by NyssaAquatica
I didn't accuse you of throwing stones, David. I included that as a reminder that all of us may find we live in glass houses. You're free to put what you want in your signature, and I'm not here to debate civil war history.

Further, I commend your profession to love the child no matter what he/she does. There are many who could not do or say the same.

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:40 am
by davidees
I didn't mean to sound harsh in my response. My children are my children and I love them unconditionally. I love them enough also to fight tooth and nail for their souls too...and if that means we are alienated in this life, I guess that could be a consequence. I don't know. I don't have the answers, but I can show you where you can find them.

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:40 am
by lilwhitelie
The issue is these days so much stuff that goes against the bible is becoming more and more tolerated or accepted. Some branches of Christianity are becoming more acceptive of the homosexual lifestyle and will soon be performing weddInge. That is the problem is to much stuff is PC now that never would have been tolerated in the past. Christians sin like everyone else but if you care about Christianity just look at how we are being quickly beaten down and suppressed. Before long we will be like Europe and the Middle East and like democrats they stick together and follow the teachings of the Muslim relegion exclusively. Truly becoming a scary time if you believe in the bible by watching what is taking place but if you are a non believer then it's just another day.

In four years I see our country taking a turn that will never be turned back around. We will go to the exterme left and that will be it. Not saying trump is a saint by any stretch but at least he put Christmas back at the White House.

I am glad I am not in their position because I can't imagine a tougher spot to be in from a fathers standpoint.

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:59 am
by the doctor
I don't agree that it's an "issue these days" ... dust off that old testament and you'll see there ain't nothing new "these days".

the doc

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 11:40 am
by merlebo05
Its most definitely a choice!!! I have desires to do a lot of things that I shouldn't do BUT I have to make the CHOICE and not do them...

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:03 pm
by davidees

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:48 pm
by Blackduck
I don't think it is as much of a choice as many would think. I believe you are born predisposed to a certain sexuality. Predisposed by your brain and how it's made. God made us all and he loves us all. Even the gay ones. 1Cor describes a long list of sinners. None are judged as harshly as homosexuals.

If you have a homosexual friend or family member they deserve love just like everyone else. If you do think it's a sin then ask yourself what other sinners won't you show love and grace too?

Just a bit of a different opinion

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 3:08 pm
by stang67

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 12:10 pm
by jacksbuddy
Boy, this is tough. I know several men who are gay. And for each of them, coming out was very difficult. (Nobody ever says, "Congratulations! You're gay!" That just does not happen.) For the 19 yo to do this took guts. My prayers go out to the family as they deal with this dynamic.

As for what would I do in a similar situation? Don't know. Homosexuality is wrong. I as a Christian know this. However, I also know that I am commanded by my God to love everyone. Yes, even sinners such as gay folks. That does not mean that I condone what they do, but it also means that I cannot condemn them for it either. (That's God's job. And if there is anything that I have learned in my over 1/2 century on this planet, it is this:

1 - There IS a God
2 - I ain't Him, and
3 - I tried to do his job once, and I failed so miserably that I don't want His job no more.)

Prayers to the family.

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 12:18 pm
by fireplug

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 12:55 pm
by fireplug
Satan is the master of deceit. He is so good at it he has deceived people into believing that they are born gay or that someone they know didn't choose to be this way. These people believe this deceit over God’s chosen biologically designed sex for each person. (Yes even if you fall into the fraction of a percent of people that are born with both body parts, or are somehow biological mutations) Satan is so good at deceiving people that he has even deceived himself into thinking he will somehow win a battle that the outcome is already documented. He’s deceived himself into believing that God won’t forgive him if he were to ask for forgiveness.
Don’t be deceived folks. You are born male or female. You are not to lay with another man per God’s instructions. Being gay is as much a choice or a sin as adultery between a man and a woman. (of which many if not all of us based on Jesus’ definition are guilty) This child is 19 years old. He has no clue what life holds for him. Someone please tell this child that God loves him and he will heal him of this sin if he will accept it. I'll pray for him and all those that believe homosexuality is predetermined.

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:16 pm
by Smoke68

Re: Controversial subject.....opinions, please.....

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:28 pm
by Smoke68
And another great testimony......

From a dad's perspective, what I got from this man's talk was, "encourage your son/daughter to love Christ more than anything else, especially more than their romantic desires, be they homosexual or heterosexual. They must be able to deny themselves."