Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Flag..

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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby REBEL DUCK » Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:11 pm

So yall think vote on this again and again till it's what you the minority want? Do you feel that way about gay marriage and 2nd amendment??
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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby LODI QUACKER » Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:46 pm

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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby the tree » Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:01 am

About 20 years ago my dad, who always flew flags, (primarily the American or Alabama, he was born in Miss and went to MS State so no oos bs), came home with a "colorful" flag. We let him display in his front yard for a few days, before we told him it was a "rainbow" flag, certain people flew with "pride" to promote their lifestyle. With a smile, he lowered the flag and it simply disappeared. He knew the effectiveness of a flags message!
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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby teul2 » Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:32 am

Looking for 2 duck calls from Dominic Serio of Greenwood (ones for Novacaine)
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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby tombstone » Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:33 am

I don't care one way or the other about that flag, but if anyone thinks that race relations will change here or elsewhere in this country because of getting rid of a flag, yall are the most naïve , kool aid drinking , day dreamers that walk. Quit listening to this senseless media hype. They will dig up another excuse next. Bottom line is the people who "say" they are offended and those idiots that think we are still oppressing minorities don't think like we do. They have an entitlement mindset and will keep pushing this day in and day out. That flag is not holding them back; their laziness, lack of self worth, and hatred is holding them back. The same folks that think removal of this flag will truly help are the same people that infomercials target. If it is truly divisive and offensive then 86 it because we should do things to promote Godliness, goodness and kindness, but it is just another thing for them to squeal about in my opinion.
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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby deltadukman » Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:54 am

Smoke and mirrors. Like Rahm Emanuel said "never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that is its an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before".

Now this is the point where its gotten too serious:

http://www.rollingstone.com/tv/news/war ... g-20150624
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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby JaMak84 » Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:32 pm

It's been 150 years. The rest of the world has moved on and it's time Mississippi did too. The flag sure as hell ain't the cause of us being dead last in everything, but it's one of the many symptoms. All this talk about it being a part of our heritage and history is true, but why in the world should we continue to use a symbol that has been corrupted, perverted, and completely abused by the likes of the KKK, Neo-Nazi, and white supremacists groups world wide? If we want something on our flag representing our history and heritage, why not something positive? I'll argue that the state of Mississippi has contributed more to American music than any other state in the country. Why isn't there something on our flag representing that? I'm well aware that removing the confederate battle flag from our state flag will have absolutely no impact on race relations here. Our issues are a hell of a lot deeper than a piece of cloth on a flagpole. However, it would be a step in the right direction. At the very least, it would send a message to the rest of the country that we're at least willing to entertain the idea of moving into the 20th century.
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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby Deltamud77 » Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:17 pm

Roger Wicker issued a statement in favor of removing the confederate flag from the MS flag. Phil Bryant, to my knowledge, has still not commented.
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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby davidees » Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:16 pm

Mark it down people...the Stars and Stripes is next, or at least not far down the road. If their reason for ridding society of any reminder of the confederacy is because of slavery and racism, it's only a matter of time before they realize that the Stars and Stripes flew over the same injustices for way longer. I think they already plan on it. You can see the way they treat the flag and how they respond when it's burned or desecrated in other ways. It's not going to stop here. It wont stop until Americas history and her identity is completely stripped, up to and including, eventually, our cherished documents and finally, the constitution.
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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby LODI QUACKER » Wed Jun 24, 2015 3:17 pm


http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/06 ... nfederacy/

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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby cwink » Wed Jun 24, 2015 3:25 pm

As a native Texan, I am familiar with "State Pride" I still see the Lone Star Flag and thinkof Texas as one of the great states of this nation. Having lived here in MS for almost 20 years now, I still don't look to the MS State Flag the same way.. While I am proud to be from the South, each time I see the flag, it is a small reminder of a time when the the belief that slavery was ok.. There are very few Americans or Mississippians that believe this now and to have that small reminder flying over a state institution does not make sense to me.. You want to fly it in your yard, or your house fine.. Feel free.. But I don't think it needs to fly over Govt buildings.

If it came up for a vote to change the flag, I would vote tovchange it.. As the father of a biracial adopted child, I would not want to look him in the eye and tell him that I voted to keep it.. While changing the flag will not stop those who want to cry "victim" It will send a signal that MS as a State is at least trying to move forward and better race relations..

When I moved to MS in 1996 I was a little shocked by the difference in race relations between TX and MS. My wife and had this discussion last night about if true racism still exist to a large degree. I told her that I think about 20% of the population is racist.. Meaning they hate someone just because the color of their skin. But there is another form of racism that I think is more prevalent and that is "stereotypical racism". I see it here on this board at times.. People referring to Black people as "non-swimmers", "democrats" etc. Everytime I see it I just sort of roll my eyes and shake my head.. I know it is meant more to be a description of a culture and class and not necessarily as hatred towards someone because of the color of their skin because I know some folks that use it that do have black friends, but I don't see how it helps in anyway.
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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby LODI QUACKER » Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:30 pm

You know what, racism is alive and thriving. Yep sure is, not going to deny it. It is NEVER going to change. You know why? Way too much money in racism. Look at the news today, last week, whenever. The race baiters to include your president have seen to that, they don't want racism to go away. I see what happens in this world. I see the hate, the disgust not necessarily towards black folk but towards whites. In MS or really anywhere in the south, you see MAJOR differences in people that are different colors. Is it race? IDK, I don't like white trash either, but there seems to be a hell of a lot less white trash than black trash. Maybe that is just growing up in MS. Everyone wants to see people of their own race succeed.

I will tell you all one thing, you can write this down and have your great grandchildren read it when they are old men,"Removing the battle flag from the MS state flag is not going to change a dam thing! There will still be black folks that HATE you because you are white and there will still be white folk that hate blacks because they are black."

SO yes I agree lets remove the flag, rewrite history to exclude that there was a war, remove all Civil war monuments get rid of all the old grave markers from the cemeteries, dig up all the soldiers. Completely erase it.. Remove all connotations of the OLD SOUTH, OLE MISS, anything and everything to do with OUR heritage. Because of course our heritage is not important.

Guess what even when you do that, its not going to change a dam thing! The only thing this "fight" is going to do is make a bunch of white people HATE even more than they do now.
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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby hillhunter » Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:00 pm

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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby cwink » Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:45 pm

I agree that the monuments and parks should stay. If we forget the lessons learned from history we are destined to repeat it.
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Re: Speaker Phillip Gunn Calls For Removal of Confederate Fl

Postby davidees » Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:58 pm

What's funny is y'all think this is really about confederate stuff.

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