Boy Scouts

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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby jtdumallard » Fri May 24, 2013 10:36 am

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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby Buckwabit » Fri May 24, 2013 10:46 am

I agree with Fireplug. You don't have to hate on homesexuals but the bible doesn't call for our support of it either. I don't have a problem with any of them. I don't support them either or anything they do. How can they teach the bible and moral values and support homosexuality?? This I don't understand....
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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby quackhead11 » Fri May 24, 2013 10:52 am

The church today, I think alot of times, is more and more resembling the jewish church of Jesus' time. It resembles nothing of the Christ I know. It spends so much time trying to make Jesus exclusive, that we run the people away. I envision the Church as a hospital for the sick or sinners, but we put a sign on the door that says: "You will need to clean up before coming in" instead of "Come on in and let Jesus clean you up"![/quote]

Very well said, friend.
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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby Wingman » Fri May 24, 2013 11:12 am

The point you boys that are in favor of the change are failing to miss is that pro-homosexual lifestyle companies threatened to pull (some already withdrew support) their financial support if the BSA didn't change. I guess the fundamentals and core values that began in 1910 just weren't good enough anymore.

It's not that I am looking down my nose at homosexuals. It's that I don't want to allow a boy or man who claims an attraction to males to be in my troop and posing a threat to my boys. If your daughter wanted to join Boy Scouts I'd tell her no. If you're a child molester and you wanted to be a Scout leader, I'd tell you no. If you are a convicted felon, a drunk or dope addict, I'd say no. If you were a liar, cheat and thief, I'd say no. Am I without fault? Of course not. Boy Scouts is saying they'll allow gay boys but not gay leaders. What happens when that gay boy grows up and wants to lead the troop?

Mark my words. Homosexual men will become leaders eventually. Atheist groups will push for removal of anything to do with God. Boy Scouts will become an organization of evolving morals based on what's politically correct at the moment. It's only appropriate in this world where truth is relative and we don't wanna hurt anybody's feelings.

If you think I'm saying I'm better than homosexuals, treating them as second class citizens or looking down on them, you're wrong. I know gay guys and I call them friends but i dont condone what they do. Some of you are quick to say what Jesus would do. Remember He also turned over the tables of the money changers in the temple.

I'm not gonna say anything else about this. I'll point my focus in another direction.
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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby jwayne » Fri May 24, 2013 11:16 am

With the gay or without the gay...Boy Scouts sucked anyway. Sorry but this my opinion. If you like it....good for you but this is a public forum and this is what I think about it.
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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby Buckwabit » Fri May 24, 2013 11:17 am

There is a bigger part of this that i think some of you are missing. Jesus was the doctor for sinners. Sinners that needed and WANTED change in their lives. People came to him to repent of their sins and change their ways. The homosexual movement is not about change and religion it is about equality. Equality in every aspect of life. In God's eyes everyone is equally sinful. But Jesus blood washes that away...Right? If you will repent and accept him...Right? Is that what the homosexuals are doing today?? Repenting and Coming to Christ?? Absolutely not. Nothing could be farther from the truth than this. They are pushing their beliefs..their agenda on everyone. Christian and non christian alike are being drug through the media and hung out to dry because they say that Homosexuality is a sin...Would Jesus call it a Sin?? Yes! Does the bible call it a Sin?? Yes. So what happens when we say that it's a sin in today's world? Lose your job? House? Welfare for your family? All of the above..

You see where i'm going with this??
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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby driveby » Fri May 24, 2013 11:23 am

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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby driveby » Fri May 24, 2013 11:26 am

John Stemberger gets it:

Grapevine, TX, May 23, 2013 – Following the vote today by the Boy Scouts of America’s voting delegates to pass the resolution allowing “open and avowed homosexuality” in the Boy Scouts, John Stemberger, Founder of OnMyHonor.Net, a coalition of members of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) including parents, Scoutmasters, Eagle Scouts and other Scouting leaders who affirm Scouting’s timeless values, made the following statement:

“It is with great sadness and deep disappointment that we recognize on this day that the most influential youth program in America has turned a tragic corner. The vote today to allow open and avowed homosexuality into Scouting will completely transform it into an unprincipled and risky proposition for parents. It is truly a sad day for Scouting.
The Boy Scouts of America has a logo that bears the phrase ‘Timeless Values.’ Today, the BSA can no longer use this phrase in good faith. It has demonstrated by its actions that the organization’s values are not timeless, and instead they are governed by changing tides of polls, politics and public opinion.

The saddest part of today’s decision is what the organization is teaching our children and young people in the program.

The BSA is teaching our kids that when your values become unpopular, just change them.

The BSA is teaching our kids that when your convictions are challenged, just cave to peer pressure.

The BSA is teaching our kids that public opinion polls are more important than principles.

Today, the BSA is teaching our kids that you should not stand up for what is right instead you should stand up for what is popular.

The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to “prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.”

BSA is teaching our kids through its new mission that we don’t make ethical and moral choices through the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law but we make them like an unprincipled politician does, by putting your finger in the air and seeing which way the wind is blowing or by looking at the latest polling results.

What kind of a message are we sending to young people about being brave when its top adult leaders don’t even have the courage to stand up to the pressure of a militant lobby when the bullies in Washington DC, Hollywood or even some of their own renegade councils start pressuring and harassing them?
Each and every one of the thousands of Scouting families that have supported and followed our movement must now make a very difficult decision. We respect the right for each parent and family to decide whether they will continue their membership in the Boy Scouts of American or not.

Many, like me and my family, cannot continue to support an organization more concerned with the intolerant demands of activists while compromising the safety and security of the young people they swore to serve. In July of last year, after a two year study from 2010 to 2012, the BSA’s eleven member task force unanimously concluded that their existing policy on this issue was “the absolute best policy for the Boy Scouts of America.” Suddenly, less than a year later, that is abruptly reversed.

We hoped to keep sex and politics out of Scouting. Now we grieve for those young boys who will not have the wonderful traditions and experiences that so many of us have had in Scouting.

Despite this setback, we will look to the future. I am pleased to announce that OnMyHonor.Net along with other likeminded organizations, parents and BSA members, are announcing a coalition meeting that will take place next month in Louisville, Kentucky. There we will discuss the creation of a new character development organization for boys. While the meeting will be private, your voice is very important to us and will be represented there. We will host and facilitate a national coalition meeting of former BSA parents and other youth leaders who wish to return to truly timeless values that once made the BSA great. We welcome your comments as we develop our plans. Please share your thoughts with us at Contact@OnMyHonor.Net

We grieve today, not because we are faced with leaving Scouting, but because the Boy Scouts of America has left us. Its leadership has turned its back on 103 years of abiding by a mission to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices. Instead, it is embarking on a pathway of social experimentation that we believe will place at risk the very youth the organization is entrusted to serve, while rendering as hollow the tenets of the Scout Oath. Many of us find that unacceptable, and we have a desire to explore how we might serve families and young people at the highest standard originally intended by Scouting’s founder, Robert Baden-Powell.”

OnMyHonor.Net is the nationwide coalition of concerned parents, Scout Leaders, Scouting Donors, Eagle Scouts and other members of the BSA who are united in their support of Scouting’s timeless values and in their opposition to open homosexuality in the Boy Scouts. More information at www.OnMyHonor.Net.

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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby hotty toddy » Fri May 24, 2013 11:30 am


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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby Drakeshead » Fri May 24, 2013 12:03 pm

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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby Wingman » Fri May 24, 2013 12:23 pm

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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby tica-tica » Fri May 24, 2013 1:17 pm

Why don't they (or some other scouting org) just make a straight scout pack and a gay scout pack? Girls are not in the boy scouts and boys are not in the girl scouts... pretty simple.

What kind of new swashbuckler merit badges will they come up with? Surly they will have new merit badges for interior design, cosmetology and horticulture. awesome...
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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby duckter » Sat May 25, 2013 8:14 am

This decision sure takes some of the Honor out of the Eagle Scout ranking my son acquired last year. Thanks BSA.
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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby Northbigmuddy » Sat May 25, 2013 8:53 am

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Re: Boy Scouts

Postby Wildfowler » Sat May 25, 2013 9:38 am

Why does it have to be "openly" gay? I don't consider myself openly heterosexual. My wife and I don't make a spectacle of ourselves while out in public. The private life I spend with my wife will always remain private. Why can't it just be privately gay? I don't particularly want to know about anyone's private life hetero or otherwise.
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