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Postby Side Kick » Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:48 pm

Any of you guys tried the Haint yet? Friend of mine has sworn by it already. Just wondering if any of yall had tried it yet?
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Re: Haint?

Postby swamprooter » Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:33 pm

Love for locating. Get the clear one. Sounds like crap at 50 yards but awesome at 200. Only call gadget in ladt 20 yeats I think worth its retail price
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Re: Haint?

Postby Seymore » Tue Mar 19, 2013 6:30 pm

I have one. It's very hard for me to blow. You have to forget everything you've ever learned about blowing a duck call because this is totally different. The air flow is "free flowing" and not compressed with your gut like a duck call. This "free flowing" air is then used to flutter your tongue against the top of the mouth. Hand placement around the call is also every important.

The folks who make it are very good at it. Couple of reps were at Hunters Haven in Tupelo last year when I bought one thinking how hard can it be. Very damn hard.
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Re: Haint?

Postby BamaK9 » Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:28 pm

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Re: Haint?

Postby skywalker » Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:06 am

This X100.........I tried one at NWTF convention couldnt get it to work, I'll stick with a mouth call to gobble with.............to me, its easy, may not be as loud, but just as realistic........

I will say, the guy at NWTF booth could make that thing SING!
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Re: Haint?

Postby swamprooter » Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:28 am

There is a fine line between too much air pressure and right amount..Hand cupping is 50% of getting the right sound. You want you hand open for first 3 rattles then close the hands ( choke it down) to produce the roll. If i knew how to down load sound on my computer, i would try to help ya'll
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Re: Haint?

Postby camlock » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:01 am

I can blow it fairly well...it sounds just like a turkey in the woods...I don't think it's really any sort of charm in terms of productivity in the hunt. However it was a smart idea, they created a call that allows a hunter to accurately replicate the most exciting sound in the woods. It's was never not gonna sale...They market it as very easy to blow, and it is not...I know a whole lot more people that can't blow it than can. It's not easy at all...and for effectiveness, I've had turkeys answer it, but I have turkeys answer every turkey sound I make at some point or another...not had a turkey die from it, or even gobble when they wouldn't have otherwise that I knew for sure...I've killed numerous jealous birds (or called in to be killed) from a Primos gobbler shaker over the years, and I've used the Haint in place of the gobbler shaker last season and once so far this year. I can't see it's anymore effective.

It does sound real though, if somebody knows how to blow it. I would leave it at home if you are hunting public land.
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Re: Haint?

Postby DUCKAHOLIC » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:08 am

you can do the same thing with the flex tone cut'n thunder for about 9 bucks
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Re: Haint?

Postby swamprooter » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:36 am

Duck...its different ..Flextone Rolling thunder you have to say ... took a took a..or dig a diga etc. its similiar to the old gobble tubes just different holder. Duck feed call mentality nothing new there...if you cant work a gobble tube or do a rolling feed call...you will waist your money on the Flextone

However Haint is a reed gobble . It is easier to blow for those that can produce the machine gun sound with tongue. Which is very easy ,my 8 year old can do it. Channel the machine gun breath into the call and choke down with cupping the hands for the roll...
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Re: Haint?

Postby camlock » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:52 am

There is nothing on the market that sounds like the Haint sounds in the woods...period. The front end, volume, carry, and the rolling sound of the Haint is unmatched at this point.

NOW, is that sounds more effective or applicable hunting turkeys, "in the real world" so to speak....debatable in my opinion. Obviously sounding more real can't hurt, but I don't think gobbling at a gobbler is a great tactic all that often. It does help or work at times, but I mean in general...Just me..
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Re: Haint?

Postby VICK » Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:35 am

Got the call about two weeks before season and prac. every day might not be a down n dirty pro yet, but call sounds awsome. I say this because i called up another hunter tues. morn this guy was amazed at the sound. When i finally saw him in the woods i let him know i was there he walked up and said he was sorry for messing me up. I told him he didnt i was just trying to get one to shock and that was me calling. He didnt belive me he said it had him fooled, and he would have one by the end of the day. Once you get the air flow down you can work the call.
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Re: Haint?

Postby Beldenreb » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:25 am

yep great sound when you master, called up a poacher last Saturday with it around ten in morning.
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Re: Haint?

Postby quackerkiller » Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:58 pm

The down and dirty guys come hunting every year there at the house for a couple of weeks a year... They kill turkeys..... They can blow em good and I have one of ther mouth calls (Anthrax) and it will make one stupid! I have tried to blow the haint and they have coached me on it and I haven't gotten good enough with it to take it in the woods.... I bought the flextone thunder gobble this year because it was cheap.... I can blow it pretty good but its a little too loud to me..... I've gobbled back and forth at a couple of henned up old birds but there was always some sort of ditch or big hollow between us..... I only use it as a last resort..... Somebody post the thunder gobble video from YouTube!
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