What do y'all think of Trump?

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Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby Wildfowler » Mon Jul 09, 2018 7:00 pm

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Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby YoBenny » Mon Jul 09, 2018 7:10 pm

I never said you were a bigot or a racist POS, I did say that the majority of people who voted for DT are.
Because they are, and he exploited them masterfully. I was most impressed with his strategy.

I agree, Trump is different, for sure. But how you got around to believing it's different in a good way for the average american must have taken some real mental maneuvering. We all know Trump and have for a long time now. You know, the guy with gilded toilets and crap. The egotistical fruit cake. The guy who has been sued 3,500 times by people he pinched in business deals. The guy who economist say is one of the worst businessmen in this country, and if he had just taken the money his father left him and stuck it govt. bonds he would be much wealthier than he is today. You know, that guy.
But somehow, you think this guy is now Robin Hood? Seriously?
I wouldn't buy a used pressure washer from that POS.........

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Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby lilwhitelie » Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:25 am


Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby YoBenny » Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:00 am

If Obama has been tapped talking that trash about women, (patting them on the juicy) and that horrid conversation labeled as "locker room talk" from a 68 year old man, if Obama had been tapped saying that, first thing is Michelle would have divorced him even before the GOP tried to impeach him. He has opened the gates to corporate pillage of resources by turning his back on science. You hire someone to run the EPA that is a climate change denier? You call that better than those other two? He put a creationist in charge of the public education system, while the GOP hacks away at their budget so that mom's have to have cookie bakes and garage sales just so the kids in public schools can have supplies to use. He is dismantling the ACA with NO alternative to it. He degregulated Wall Street so that they can now do exactly what happened in the great depression AND the mortgage fiasco that forced GW to give them billions of dollars or else the economy was going to collapse. How in the HELL is any of that better than those two?
He is a corporate HOG, he is going to RAPE the place with his corporate pig allies. He signed a tax plan giving them over a trillion dollars and will put 90% of Americans in WORSE shape than they are now in a decade.

I just don't get it. Somehow people think that this disgusting piece of sh*t is better than the others?

NOW he goes after China, soybean farmers immediately took a no choice failure on their crops, metal workers will lose their jobs, and it's only just started. The EU is through with him, Canada and Mexico want nothing to do with him, and all of this crap is going to end up with Americans paying a LOT MORE for goods and taking away farms from men who can't pay their bills. Those end up in the hands of bankers on Wall Street too, and they get sold to corporate interests who have not only smushed to family farmer into oblivion in this country, but done the same thing in South America. What the hell are all those illegals doing at our border? How about you take a look at what Monsanto and ConAgi and others have done to their countries and the economies since NAFTA. But Trump wants america to get MORE from Nafta when south america has plunged into destitute poverty over corporate america pillage down there.

WHO is he making things better for? It sure isn't you and me.
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Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby Wildfowler » Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:48 am

So now you are our moral compass? That’s rich.

I admit that I have not been keeping up with anything Betsy Devos has done in her position. I do seem to recall hearing a news clip or two that mentioned something, ( of which I have no idea what it was ), but at the time I remember thinking to myself well good, it’s about time we did that in our failing schools.

I’m more concerned about the level of criminality in the FBI and in our justice system that is still going virtually unchecked. The Obama administration Weaponized the IRS against conservatives and he Weaponized the FBI against the incoming Trump administration.
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Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby YoBenny » Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:05 am

The public school system is falling apart because the GOP has taken all of the money out of it, it's failing because corporate america wants to privatize it and make money from it. You know, like they just stole new college students starter home from by burdening them with 60K loans in a work market where the average person changes jobs 8 times in their work career.

Hell let's look at the medical world, it's privatized, see what happens when goods and services are in the hands of people who don't give a sh*t about the people who MUST have it? PEOPLE DIE OVER IT.
Look at the prison system, talk to people within the justice system about what is going on.

There are things that must be done in a country that suffer terribly at the hands of corporate greed, in those three cases, people die because they cannot get medical care, children do not get an education which hurts the entire country not just them, and people spend years in jail for things they did not do that never even made it to court.

I am all for a small and extremely efficient government, believe me. But I am also for providing basic needs to our citizens that are immune to the greed that kills people and destroys the quality of life for our citizens.

Washington D.C. is FULL of corporate greed, pillaging our tax money as politicians dole out contracts to their donors and they in turn rape the living dog sh*t out of the american tax payer. It is BROKEN, and THIS GUY is the LAST PERSON ON EARTH that is going to fix it. You guys dropped a HOG into a corn silo.......

OH and this NEW thing --- Space Force --- that's code talk for another black hole into which the Pentagon can pour trillions of dollars without so much as a paper trail to explain where any of it went, only for your tax dollars to end up on the caviar and champagne trays on the yachts of the ultra rich touring the Mediterranean.
The Pentagon currently has over $1.4 TRILLION dollars that it cannot account for. How about we start where we start? CLEAN IT UP..... Don't give them ANOTHER way to steal the money?

Everything corporate america touches turns into suffering for the middle class and more caviar on the yacht trays.
The guys who almost collapsed the entire economy in the GW administration gave themselves HUGE bonuses, HUGE, and not one single person was charged with anything. Now the regs have been dropped and they are poised to do it again. So what's it gonna be this time? They already screwed up the housing market so bad that a person has to make $22.00 an hour in Mississippi just to own a house. Who makes that much in Mississippi?
I guess they will be pouring YOUR Tax dollars into the new standard for American living - apartment rentals - because nobody can afford to own a home anymore.
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Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby JDgator » Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:51 am

Here is something happening in my community because of Trump - a high school graduate can get a job that starts at 12.50 an hour plus benefits to work at the local steel mill. And because the steel mill is pumping out steel at economical prices, he or she can step over to Austal or any of the ship building yards and weld it into Navy Littoral Combat Ships, shrimp boats, or freighters for 16 bucks an hour. A highschooler can sign a contract to promise to work at one of the shipbuilders and get 6 months of vocational school paid for + a signing bonus. It starts with the steel and works its way up. Thanks Trump!

Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby YoBenny » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:14 am

OK that sounds really great. Now please show me the legislation that Trump had anything to do with that caused this. And then show me how many of the 350,000,000 Americans actually benefited from it.
If Trump would just decree from his throne that Minimum wage is now $12/hr for everyone, all kinds of great stuff would begin happening. Hell, want to see this economy boom? Make it $15.
Can't stay in business at that rate? OH WELL, it's several thousand who take the hit while MILLIONS benefit from it.
Isn't that the kind of logic that goes on around here? Just not YOU right?
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Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby Wildfowler » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:15 am

How to you feel Obama’s transfer of 1.7 billion cash to Iran before he left office?

Was that a good use of tax dollars?

You’re just wrong that every time the private Corp get involved in something it hurts the middle class.

I just don’t believe that we should cradle to grave entitlements to everyone, providing for their every need. I’m not opposed to helping at some level though.

I know I’ve already said this, but I do choose to help people individually. But I damn sure do not want to help people who are not willing to help themselves.
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Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby Wildfowler » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:16 am

Benny, it doesn’t take legislation to make good things happen. You can also create an environment where business will choose to do something on its own.

This is what Trump has done so successfully, he’s cut barriers and regulations stifling business expansion.
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Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby Wildfowler » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:21 am

Why stop at $12 an hour? You want housing to also be provided for every citizen why not make minimum-wage $22 an hour which is what you said it cost to buy a house here and that nobody makes that much.
driven every kind of rig that's ever been made, driven the backroads so I wouldn't get weighed. - Lowell George

Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby YoBenny » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:29 am

Minimum Wage Would Be $21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity

But numbers like that are where it becomes apparent that many people just dont want to pay people what they are actually worth. Terms like "give away" and "free housing" and others begin to surface, and we all know who they are talking about.

And this gap and the destruction of labor unions is what has produced an oligarchy in this country.

Trump deregulating things like tearing open our national parks for exploitation and taking protections off our clean water aren't going to make americans any better of, except of course the buttheads who make so much money from it that they dont have to deal with it.

Minimum wage went flat in the late 70's and if it had kept up it would be $21.72 right now and that is not "giving" anybody a Gdamn thing except what is just due.
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Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby Wildfowler » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:32 am

Nice Photoshop by the way. If you want people to take you seriously you should not miss lead them. Here’s the original photo.


The Majority of Trump voters are not inherently racist as you claim.
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Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby Wildfowler » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:34 am

Can you explain to us what would happen to the price of housing if minimum-wage arbitrarily became $21.72 overnight?
driven every kind of rig that's ever been made, driven the backroads so I wouldn't get weighed. - Lowell George

Re: What do y'all think of Trump?

Postby YoBenny » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:44 am

Yes you are right, misleading joe smoe who can't tell the difference is the domain of Fox, MSNBC and some other people keenly interested in shaping the American perception their way.
Here's one that isn't chopped, this is Mobile Alabama.
Which is 82% black. Notice all those black folks in the crowd.

I have no idea what would happen to the housing market if minimum wage suddenly had the same purchasing power as it did in the 60's but I would caution that before that happened regulations must be put in place so that speculators didn't skyrocket the cost of housing and everything else and simply eat it all up from another direction.

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