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Re: Trump

Postby fireplug » Wed Mar 02, 2016 2:38 pm

How do you like your Hope and Change?
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Re: Trump

Postby tombstone » Wed Mar 02, 2016 2:40 pm

I am gonna vote for whatever or whoever is running against that traitor. I would vote for Charles Manson over her.
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Re: Trump

Postby cwink » Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:44 pm

Let's look closely at our options

1. A socialist
2. The matriarch of the most scandalous political family who is currently under FBI and Justice Dept investigation
3. A Bombastic Billionaire Business Man
4. Two First term senators
5. An extremely moderate former congressman and current governor
6. A quiet Dr.

I have no clue what options 3, 4, 5, and 6 are going to do if they get in the White House. One says he has changed his stances on topics, 2 haven't had any experience running anything, one has a good track record, but still isn't a true conservative, and other doesn't have the fire in the belly.. So while I am not sure what 3-6 will do, I KNOW FOR SURE I WILL NOT LIKE ANYTHING OPTIONS 1 & 2 WILL DO.. Therefore I am going to vote for whoever the GOP nominates and hope and pray for the best.
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Re: Trump

Postby davidees » Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:22 pm

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Re: Trump

Postby davidees » Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:23 pm

But I think it goes without saying, I won't ever support a democrat.
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Re: Trump

Postby Deltaquack » Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:24 pm

Some of y'all need to really watch and listen to Trump and pay attention to what he's done and said in the past too. If you listen to what Hillary, Cruz, and Rubio say about him you are playing into the smoke and mirrors mantra that Obama and Hillary have always played. Trump is nothing like Hillary. To say Trump will run things like a Democrat is ludacris. He's very conservative and very wealthy. Neither of those align well with the current thinking of the Democratic party.

I also keep reading where people are questioning his ways of funding, loaning, etc. his campaign. First of all, anyone with multiple corporations are very familiar with how that works. In order for anyone that is wealthy to keep from paying 50% of their income in taxes, you have to learn to play within the laws of the IRS. It's very common practice to loan yourself money, loan your company money, pay rent to your company, etc. The big CPA's on here can explain it best. Every politician you know in our state do the same exact things. They pay themselves, they loan their campaign money, they pay for vehicles, rent, gas, food, phone, clothing, dry cleaning, etc. It's all about learning how to be very efficient and follow the realm of law.

I'm not a huge Trump supporter. I wouldn't hand pick any of the candidates on either side. Trump by far has some of the characteristics we need right now though out of them. I don't like the arrogance and name calling.....yet and still we all get on here and fuss that our country is weak right now b/c Obama is very soft. We need a strong outgoing business minded person. Everyone has to remember that Congress won't let him do whatever he wants. That's why he has stated many times that he needs a politician in his ring to teach him the ways and to help him get things done. Cruz and Rubio are both too weak to get things done and both will play into the system.
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Re: Trump

Postby hillhunter » Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:22 pm

I think Christie jumped on his bandwagon early so he could get the VP nod. If ALL other candidates got out now, Cruz would have a chance. The problem is that most won't, and they'll continue to split the core vote and the rest will run to Trump. I think unless that happens soon, like before next week, Trump walks away with it. If they are such a tight nit group to start with they should have never let the primaries start off with what 17 candidates? That's ridiculous and shows just how much more organized the Dems are than the Reps. I'm definitely not pleased with the Rep party and how they have run things, but it has to be better than what we have got now or could have with Clinton in.

To answer the question though, anyone who has an R beside their name come November will be better than Clinton, and that's who I'll be for.

If anyone really wanted to get my vote, the should run on the platform of term limits.
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Re: Trump

Postby dukluk » Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:15 am

Mitt Romney didn't have the balls to stand up, and call out Obama, during the debates in 2012, but now is calling a special "speech" news conference to go after Trump....I supported Romney in 2012, but he turned out to be such a wuss, I regret it.....he choked in his 2012 campaign.

With friends like Romney, who needs enemies???....take a look at what Romney has said in the past about, he wants to fry Trump.

I really hope the old "Repub. Establishment" keeps going after only solidifies the working folks of this nation, even more....for once in a long time, we have someone who is really fighting for the middle class, not some entrenched politician, who will continue to feather their nest in D.C.

And, yes, term limits for these bozos are on the top of my list, too!!!!

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Re: Trump

Postby hntrpat1 » Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:00 am

if trump chooses that fatso christie as a running mate I'm not voting i refuse
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Re: Trump

Postby LODI QUACKER » Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:39 am

He must be sick of the jokes, Dude looks like he has lost a ton of weight!
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Re: Trump

Postby Smoke68 » Thu Mar 03, 2016 11:30 am

"Well we don't rent pigs and I figure it's better to say it right out front because a man that does like to rent pigs is... he's hard to stop" -Augustus McRae
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Re: Trump

Postby cwink » Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:11 pm

I wouldn't be surprised to see Rubio stay in it, based on the backing of the GOP establisment regardless of how he does in the next few weeks.. If nothing else the GOP part will do it just to make sure Trump doesn't get to 1,237 delegates.. Then it is open for a brokered convention and all of a sudden it becomes a Romney/Rubio ticket..

If they do that, I think the party is going to be worse off than if Trump wins the nomination... You will have a bunch of upset people.. All the Trump people will be upset and an all the Cruz people will be upset because the backed Rubio all the way to the convention in order to keep out Trump and Cruz.
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Re: Trump

Postby Chuckle12 » Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:07 pm

The idea of Romney attacking Trump is ludicrous. It shows exactly how dumb the republican establishment really is. Out of ALL the people in the country they could have picked to chastise Trump, they picked a 2 time presidential candidate loser that just 4 years ago was pining away at what a great guy and businessman Trump was. It's the dumbest thing I've seen by a political party. They picked a politician that 1. wanted socialized healthcare, 2. was pro women's rights, 3. white male billionaire taxes were questioned intensely - and then they told Romney to talk about how Trump was a middle of the road party switcher poor businessman who has a bombshell hidden in his taxes. I'm pretty sure Harry Reid used the EXACT same bombshell tax line on Romney 4 years ago. It's sad and disappointing that the Republican party is not smarter than that. Not to mention that, if they really felt this way, this should have been done months ago. If they try to make it a brokered convention and put Romney back up then they are even dumber than they look now. They deserve to implode. They are playing right into the hands of the democrats. They are basically telling the American public - you're stupid and can't make decisions for yourselves. We know what's best and you can't do anything about it. Trump has pulled votes from the dems and voter turnout for the Republicans is UP SIXTY PERCENT from what it was 4 years ago. Dem's is down 30% - that means this election is winnable now more than ever. Now is the time for the Republicans to get back in office and they can't back the guy the people are choosing or even just keep their damn mouths shut. Fools, all a bunch of damn fools!!!!!
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Re: Trump

Postby Chuckle12 » Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:14 pm

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Re: Trump

Postby yankee » Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:15 pm

chuckle speaks the truth....
I'm not Trumps' biggest fan, not by a long shot. But he is far better than Hillary. If he gets a reasonable and wise VP it is better than a democrat, and democrat-but especially lying Hillary.
the republican party has made a mess of this romney thing. they look like clowns. Trump's favorables are already up again after the Romney speech.

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