Initiative 42

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Re: Initiative 42

Postby msbigdawg1234 » Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:09 am

I can only say this,with all the corruption in school districts state wide , the top heavy admin, teacher student ratio where there are coaches that ONLY coach so on and so on . You put all the money in the hands of one hinds county judge you just wait and see where the most money goes. Ill tell ya first hand from hearing it everyday no matter how much money schools get if PARENTS don't get off their booty and start working and helping with these kids at younger ages ,the state will stay behind as a whole. There are so many kids coming into K classes that don't know how to count to 5 or even know the letter their name starts with and that is the truth. From learning skills to respect its gone in the toilet and it all starts at HOME. I can say on a good note that the VWSD is implementing some great things for these kids . We have started a new school of innovation its not for everyone , project based type learning that is posed to migrate to the HS. My child loves it. with the tracks that will be added for these kids to take her class will be the first kids that have the opportunity to graduate with an associates degree. I would hate to see funding get lop sided and screw this up and other programs state wide the districts are implementing for the benefit of the kids. But if there is not a push to get parents more active with their kids education it will be all for nothing. But back to question at hand I say NO to 42 with out knowing what this other option is all about
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Re: Initiative 42

Postby msbigdawg1234 » Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:09 am

I can only say this,with all the corruption in school districts state wide , the top heavy admin, teacher student ratio where there are coaches that ONLY coach so on and so on . You put all the money in the hands of one hinds county judge you just wait and see where the most money goes. Ill tell ya first hand from hearing it everyday no matter how much money schools get if PARENTS don't get off their booty and start working and helping with these kids at younger ages ,the state will stay behind as a whole. There are so many kids coming into K classes that don't know how to count to 5 or even know the letter their name starts with and that is the truth. From learning skills to respect its gone in the toilet and it all starts at HOME. I can say on a good note that the VWSD is implementing some great things for these kids . We have started a new school of innovation its not for everyone , project based type learning that is posed to migrate to the HS. My child loves it. with the tracks that will be added for these kids to take her class will be the first kids that have the opportunity to graduate with an associates degree. I would hate to see funding get lop sided and screw this up and other programs state wide the districts are implementing for the benefit of the kids. But if there is not a push to get parents more active with their kids education it will be all for nothing. But back to question at hand I say NO to 42 with out knowing what this other option is all about at thins time
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Re: Initiative 42

Postby tombstone » Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:57 am

After seeing the groups for/against it and understanding that the COURTS will make decision on funding, that is all I needed to know. At this point I trust the courts to make no rational decisions.
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Re: Initiative 42

Postby fireplug » Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:03 am

unfortunately I feel the sheep are being led to the slaughter on this one. 42 will pass because it's an emotional platform. Dems are experts at pulling at peoples emotions. Going to totally destroy our already pitiful education system. Thank God for private schools and I feel sorry for people that can't afford to send their kids to one. I for one will work 4 jobs if I have to, but I'll never send my children to a failing public government indoctrination center again. Get ready for your taxes to go up or for other public services to be eliminated. Public schools already absorb over 60% of our state's budget and we are the worst in the country in education. When that number hits 75%, you can bet your sweet behind that we will still be last.
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Re: Initiative 42

Postby fireplug » Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:53 am

How do you like your Hope and Change?
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Re: Initiative 42

Postby Lazy Drake » Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:14 am

I will admit that I haven't done any research on 42. Here is my questions.

If this passes and the legislature has to fund education to a certain level, where do the cuts in the current state budget come from to fund this? Does this mean taxes will go up at the state level or at the property tax level. I can see a point in time where education funding/medicaid will eat up the whole state budget, FUBAR all around.

I already pay enough in state income taxes and crazy vehicle tags as it is, we do not need anymore taxes in the poorest state in the union.
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Re: Initiative 42

Postby Hambone » Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:56 am

If throwing money at education was the solution, there wouldn't be a need for all of the private schools that we have in this state. And, we certainly don't want a Hinds County Chancellor setting academic policy...not to mention an unconstitutional separation of powers issue.

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Re: Initiative 42

Postby Natty » Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:26 am

What is fully funded anyways? What is currently not being funded? I want to know exactly what is not being funded. This is like the pro-life vote a few years back. Nothing is clear.
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Re: Initiative 42

Postby Seymore » Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:15 pm

There was a law passed in 97 that contains a formula called the Mississippi Adequate Education Program. Once it passed the legislature hasn't funded education according to the formula they voted into law.
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Re: Initiative 42

Postby 3spop » Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:47 pm

Look who's pushing it. Money from far left out of state groups. Should our elected reps (the legislature) decide where to spend our money, or should one judge?? It will be a trial lawyer's dream. BONANZA. We are spending MUCHO TAX DINERO on education already. Way, way, way more than has ever been spent in the history of our state. Throwing more money at it is not the answer. <<<<<VOTE NO>>>>
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Re: Initiative 42

Postby MSDawg870 » Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:17 pm

I'll be voting yes with all my teacher and overpaid county administration friends.
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Re: Initiative 42

Postby fireplug » Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:35 pm

I'm betting this passes with a 30% margin. Unfortunately. Public education will hit rock bottom over the next 10 years and our tax dollars
will sky rocket very soon. There will be some smiling, fat and happy administrators along with some very underpaid and underperforming
teachers that you won't be able to fire. Every district will all have new buildings, football fields and admin offices, but will still have D and F ratings. I'll re-post this ten years from now just to say I told you so..... If I still live here.
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Re: Initiative 42

Postby chopper30 » Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:37 pm

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Re: Initiative 42

Postby peewee » Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:26 pm

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Re: Initiative 42

Postby hillhunter » Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:31 pm

I'm not so sure it will pass. I think the majority that are against it may feel more strongly than those who are for it. It's not as cut and dry as Dem vs Rep, but with this being a smaller election involving mostly state and local positions, my prediction is that there will be low voter turnout, especially since even the dems have conceded the governors seat for the most part. Lower turnout generally favors the more conservative side of the voters and I think MOST, not all, the more conservative voters are against it.
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