US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby davidees » Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:08 am

He's not fine with any of those. That's why we confess AND REPENT. We conform our lives to Him, not the other way around. You see, there is a difference between getting caught up in the moment and deciding to live a lifestyle of rebellion. I think everyone reading this knows the difference. Furthermore, we are not opposed to gay people. That's one area where people are getting it wrong. Let me use my own personal testimony as an example. You see, I was born with the tendency to drink heavily. As I got older, I drank more and more. After my time in The Army, it got worse. I also had a tendency to fornicate, fight, act a fool, embarrass myself in various ways, etc, etc. When I came from Iraq, I had a lot of readjustment issues as well. Those things were a part of who I was. It was my lifestyle. When I came to Christ, I realized I couldn't take that with me, so I confessed all the bad stuff I was doing and He delivered me. I immediately quit drinking, quit a 20 year tobacco habit, married the woman I was shacking up with, (she had been on me about that for awhile. She wasnt going to be around much longer I don't think), he delivered me from the readjustment issues, the anger, the bitterness, among other things, and here I am, two years later, a completely different person. Those things were surprisingly easy to get rid of. Now, I make mistakes daily, but they're never INTENTIONAL. There is a difference, and it's in the heart. The repentant heart wants to be sinless, it's grieved when we fall. But the point of all this is to say that He saved me, He sacrificed me by grace through faith and not by any works I had done, and He is willing, ready, and able to do the same for the homosexual, the drunkard, the drug user, the murderer, the idolator, the atheist, the rapist, the blasphemer, or any other sinner.
Last edited by davidees on Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby 1010 » Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:19 am

God does forgive, but the court just turned away from God, and gave the gays a false hope. Instead of seeking him.
I don't judge. But I don't agree with this. What goes on behind closed doors!!!
God will deal with this, not me.

And don't tell me I'm hating on them. I have a queer in my immediate family, that is a good person, and is full of love.
And they know I'm just a call away.

On another note just read what the opposing judges wrote.
And will this be a law of unintended consequences. Restrictions on gay marriage is exactly the same principal as restrictions on gun rights. Well guess what!! If gay marriage is a protected right(according to the supremes), then by damn the 2nd shouldn't either..
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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby tombstone » Sat Jun 27, 2015 7:52 am

fire and brimstone is the only thing that can fix this. You can holler " don't judge" Jesus loves the gays" etc and while a portion of that is correct it is also taken out of context. you can pick one sentence out of the Bible and make it apply anyway you want it to, but I suggest reading it. All of it. God will not be mocked nor does he tolerate an unrepentant heart that selfishly indulges in disobedience to him. you are free to believe as you want. The Jesus it that is my Lord loved the Adulterer but told her to go and sin no more. That indicates he wanted her to change her lifestyle. My Jesus loves the gay community too but wants them to turn from there sinful lifestyle. You can argue with me, you can call me a stupid redneck bible thumping slug, or whatever, but you might as well exercise some wisdom and save typing a rebuttal to me because you will never ever change my opinion.
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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby 1010 » Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:16 am

DS, needs a like button.

You just wait, any church or pastor, that says no to a gay wedding, will be in court.
And I wouldn't rule out armed FEDs seeing that they get married in any church.
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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby davidees » Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:17 am

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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby adame » Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:05 am

I'm just going to become a divorce lawyer. Seems like there will be an influx of marriages proceeded by a metric uck of divorces.
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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby RedEyed Duck » Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:05 am

I am interested in purchasing duck calls that were made by Mike McLemore. I am a family member and they have a sentimental value.
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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby driveby » Sun Jun 28, 2015 1:19 pm

You're right guys....this doesn't affect you at all. By the way, underneath the original post in this thread is pictures of 2 guys frolicking on the beach advertising all gay cruises. Nope, didn't affect Ducksouth at all.
Well....the ad was there when I first clicked on this thread.

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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby slayem » Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:14 pm

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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby driveby » Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:04 pm

Hardy har har!!! It was showing an ad relevant to the thread title. :P

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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby sab316 » Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:07 am

I'm with the others who said "Who cares?" It doesn't affect you. It doesn't negatively affect you're every day-to-day life. Who's to tell a man / man or woman / woman (who many on this board would be willing to watch them consummate that gay marriage) that they can't love each other and marry. This nation is a nation of FREEDOM, maybe these men and women aren't Christian (WHICH IS PERFECTLY OKAY IN THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) so why shouldn't they be able to marry if THEIR religion doesn't forbid it? If two people love each other, whether they are man, woman, purple, white, black, yellow or orange, they should be able to be with one another.

This isn't going to affect you're every day life. This isn't going to make your gas prices go up, or milk cost more at the Wally World. This isn't going to be the end of the world, and God isn't going to smite everyone for the Government allowing "them gays" to marry. Get over it, its not the 1960's anymore, its time to move FORWARD.

All sins are equal in the eyes of God, correct? So you're cussing, or thinking about that good looking woman walking down the street are just as bad as banging a dude. Little food for thought. :wink:
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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby tombstone » Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:05 am

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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby Johnboy114 » Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:36 am

I just don't get it. I think people are making a bigger deal of this than what it is. This isn't a spiritual battle. This is a government item. The spiritual battle is a heart issue, not a marriage issue. It makes me want to vomit, that people are being so close minded about this. Is this what God intended for marriage? No. Do we really think with, that because this is now recognized by the government that God recognizes it? this next thought will prob make some mad, but where is the uproar for divorce being legal outside of Biblical reasons?????

Fire and brimstone huh? That's the fix? sorry, don't agree with that; the fix has already taken place long ago in an empty tomb.

Again, I just cant understand why people are making this such a big deal, do we really think that we are now worse off as a nation because 2 people can say they are married in our country? that's laughable because those same people could have gone to Canada the last 10 years and done the same.

To me, those that oppose this so much are really saying that the government is more in control and bigger than our God. Seriously?

Now, in my opinion the part where this gets a little scary is if the gov't were to try and force a pastor in a church to marry 2 people. Lets hope though the separation of church and gov't is realized at that point.

Gents, lets look at the heart issue, not just with this but with our everyday lives.
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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby bigoak » Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:36 am

Just because it does not affect me does not mean I want it to be legal and openly celebrated. Yes Jesus showed love to sinners but he called them to repent and sin no more. Any person or country that openly sins against God, and not only does not repent but celebrates and glorifies their sin, will be left to suffer the consequences. Glorifying of the homosexual lifestyle is just another in a long list of ways our country is turning away from God's teachings.
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Re: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

Postby teul2 » Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:56 am

I do want you all to remember that, when you ask "what would Jesus do" that flipping over tables and chasing people with a whip is within the realm of possibilities.
John 2:13-17
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