Getting fat

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Getting fat

Postby jdbuckshot » Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:36 am

turned 31 this year. I'm fat as an onion. Came to this realization after finishing my little girls frosty at wendys, after finishing my own frosty, large drink, burger, and fries. My 3 year old little girl looked at me with a disgusting look on her face and said, "DAD YOU ARE A EATING MACHINE"

never thought I would be in this bad of shape. have to take a deep breath to bend over and tie my shoes. to much red meat - ice cream, I eat 10lb of cheese a week, a nightly helping of cookies and whole milk, eat candy at my desk all day - eating a brownie right now and drinking coffee. I can eat a whole bag of funyuns in about 3 min. - then wash it down with 2 cans of coke. I love to cook - and I never cook anything with out ample amounts of butter and bacon.

needless to say - I eat like a freaking garbage can. I MEAN LIKE A 55 GALLON DRUM

I used to work on my feet for most of the day - now I sit at a desk most of the day.

I hate running - absolutely despise it. I don't mind working out - but I hate going to the gym -

about the only things I enjoy are hunting / fishing - farming - really just a typical redneck type - but most of the time these activities involve hearty meals afterwards or in-between.

I am disciplined enough to diet - and I understand how to eat healthy.

I need a life style change that involves some physical activity REGULARLY. some type of routine that I can stick to and at least maybe somewhat enjoy it.

any input from you guys? all you marathon runners - and triathletes, remember your talking to a redneck here - a fat one.
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Re: Getting fat

Postby mfalkner » Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:42 am

Last year we finished constructing a long bike trail that runs from Houston to New Albany. Just so happens my office sits next to it, and since we designed and did CA on the job, it's like a pet. So, I got a road bike and while I'm not as dedicated as I should be, this is one form of quality exercise that I really enjoy. You couldn't make me run for an hour with a large caliber handgun, but I really enjoy an hour after work on the bike, get to see the trees and critters and smell air that is not conditioned, and if I'm working at it I can burn 8-900 calories during that ride.

If you have access to a good place like the Longleaf in Hattiesburg, get advice from someone who knows bikes and try it. You don't have to go drop a load on a fancy new bike, but a decent bike that fits you will make a difference. And don't forget the padded bike shorts - thank me later. They make them that look like gym shorts, which is good because I'm not man enough to wear the spandex kind.
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Re: Getting fat

Postby Wildfowler » Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:52 am

Next time you are at Wendy's just order a large chili. It's very filling and not many calories and you may be surprised that it will keep you from feeling hungry many, many hours later.
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Re: Getting fat

Postby edub20 » Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:06 am

you don't have to run. I never run actually... Jump on a treadmill and bump the elevation to 11-14 then crank the mph to around 3-3.5 and get after it for about 20-30. You can burn about 300-400 cals in 30 minutes going that route. I also burn another 300-400 weight training after cardio. If you increase your lean muscle mass through weight training then your body has to naturally burn more calories at a resting state to maintain said lean muscle.

Losing weight is about 80/20 80% being diet and the rest being physically active so if you can discipline yourself on the diet side to eating clean then you've already conquered the hard part.
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Re: Getting fat

Postby Smoke68 » Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:14 am

You sound like me 3 years ago at 29 yrs old. What worked for me is CrossFit. I committed that I'd try it for at least 2 months. I never looked back. Im 6'1". In 6 months I went from blubber 240 lbs to strong 204. I would estimate I lost around 45 lbs of fat.

Edub is correct, eating is 80% of being healthy. Thing is, I eat healthy when I work out. If I slack off at the gym, I find myself slacking off on food too.

Should you try CrossFit? I would recommend it, but you are correct in saying you need to find something you can stick with. I hate running long distances, and I hate doing the same thing every day, just like you. CrossFit fit that bill for me.
Last edited by Smoke68 on Thu Apr 09, 2015 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Getting fat

Postby gtk » Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:35 am

Atkins diet is good if you hate starving yourself.. I love eating too, but had always been skinny.. I woke up one day and I was fat ..

Several years ago, I was having "sugar" crashes.. I would eat a big breakfast, by 9:00 i would have that sinking feeling, so I'd eat something sweet, be fine till lunch.. I'd eat a big lunch, and have another crash about 3, eat something sweet, and so on.. Then someone suggested that we have a competition @ work to see who could loose the most weight, so I got on the Atkins diet.. You have to follow it to a "T" or you will not have good results.. I stayed on the "induction" phase for about 8 weeks and lost about 15 pounds.. Then I went to the "maintenance" phase and lost another 10 pounds.. I never got hungry on the Atkins diet.. I surely missed the carbs, but I never went hungry.

I kept that weight off for almost 5 years, but the last couple years I started eating like crap again and gained some weight back.. I've been back on the Atkins diet for 2 months now and lost almost 15 pounds again..

The diet combined with being fairly active on weekends, worked for me..
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Re: Getting fat

Postby GET-N-RITE » Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:43 am

I will say if you cut out the junk food, and cokes you would be surprised. I hate running ,and I hate cardio, that is why I do not do it. I lift weights, if I want cardio I will do more reps, and more sets. I do go to the gym through. If you go early in the morning before work you will get in a routine. I can workout in 30 minutes. I eat good but not great. Strict diets never last with me, so I do not do them. Cut out the cokes, and fast food. At 31 it should come off pretty quick.
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Re: Getting fat

Postby cwink » Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:01 am

I'm 43 years old and 5'10 and 190lbs. I have done most of the diets out there.. I would get up to around 200-210 and would try the latest diet craze.. At your age I started Atkins and went from about 205 to 170 in about 3 months.. It is a good quick short term solution to drop some pounds but I wouldn't do it long term. The older I got the harder it was to loose those extra pounds. The solution isn't a diet, but a lifestyle change.

Now instead of dieting I try to stay mostly away from processed foods. In the morning a small bowl of cereal, lunch is sandwich on wheat with some tortilla chips and salsa and a sensible dinner. I also try to include an apple (keep some big red delicious apples in the fridge for sweet cravings) or banana or granola bar or nuts/fruit packs trail mix.. My rule is that if I can understand what ingredients are in it or it has more than about 4 ingredients I try and stay away from it. Try to eat 5 meals a day.. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and a couple of snacks.. Snacks should be around 200 calories per and the other 3 meals to about 500 calories. Try to stay away from all cokes, diet cokes and I drink mostly coffee, water and unsweet tea.

As far as running/working out goes. I can't run on my bad knees, biking I can do and I try to hit the gym a couple of times a week for at least an hour.. I don't do it for body building but just to keep muscle tone if you start off slow in the gym and work on progress not perfection you will likely grow to enjoy it..

Also. I got a fitbit charge HR that I use a lot.. It tracks my activity during the day and allows to input my food and it calculates calories in vs out on my smart phone.. It also serves as a watch, alarm clock and heart rate monitor.. It is a good tool to help you see when you can "cheat" a little..
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Re: Getting fat

Postby Long Cut » Thu Apr 09, 2015 9:21 am

as mentioned before look at a road bike or a hybrid type bike (cross between a mountain and road bike). I read a book called when Big Boys Tri about this guy who was kind of in the same boat decided to do triathlons at around 350 pounds or more. I decided to give it a whirl so at 330 pounds I started swimming a little which is a great work out, biking a little and progressed from walking to short jogs to running. I initially hated running because I was not built for it but once I got to where I could actually make it a few miles(outside) then I loved it. Ended up doing several triathlons. Warning if you are on the heavy side then your back and joints will love you for getting the weight off but hate you for the high impact on pavement. The triathlon training worked for me because it was 3 different things so I never got bored or burned out on 1 thing. I was never fast at any of it just determined to finish and beat my personal best.
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Re: Getting fat

Postby teul2 » Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:02 am

Looking for 2 duck calls from Dominic Serio of Greenwood (ones for Novacaine)
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Re: Getting fat

Postby landscaper » Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:33 am

I'm in the same boat and still struggle but for the last few years have been watching my calories and have lost around 25 lbs and kept them off for the most part. I still need to lose another 10 but if it comes off slowly I'm cool with that. I started out with an iphone app called Lose it. It helps you plan and track you calories. Once you've done it for few weeks you just sort of have a feel for what your daily intake should look (and feel) like.

I also hate running and walking and would go to the gym if it weren't so inconvenient. It is a hassle though so I have started making sure that I do something active every day when I get home instead of hitting the couch. Whether it's yard work, cleaning the garage, ball practice with the kids, or helping the wife with the house work, I am usually on my feet from the time I get home till bed time. It seems to really help keep the weight off when I'm struggling with my eating.

The diets and so called "lifestyle change" plans I've done in the past all have lasted about three months. Making your life fit a plan doesn't work for long. Make a plan fit your life and it is easier to lay in there for the long haul. It also helps to have an accountability partner. Someone to have to report to regularly so that it is sort of embarrassing when you've blown it. Find someone with similar or higher goals than your own. A buddy and I weigh in once a week via text and that it pretty good motivation.

Maybe we should start a Duck South weight loss challenge.
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Re: Getting fat

Postby Deltamud77 » Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:42 pm

Recipe for success:
(1) Don't eat breakfast (you can have coffee but that is it);
(2) Eat a sensible lunch (no non-diet soft drinks);
(3) Eat a decent supper (lean meat, vegetable, starch, smaller desert);
(4) Don't eat anything after 9:00.

It is a fasting diet that works. If you are used to eating breakfast, it will suck for about 3 days - then it gets easy. This method, the fast period between 9:00 pm and about 11:30 am, allows your body to burn off the sugar in your system from eating, etc., and then go after your stored fat.

I have lost about 30 pounds and then leveled out. Your body will level out automatically.

I also recommend downloading the WOD (Workout of the day) app for your phone. It allows you to enter the equipment you have available (anything from what your gym has to what your hotel room has (which is just you and your body weight)). The app will generate a workout that will take no longer than 20 minutes max and that will target all muscle groups, especially your core. Great way to burn a lot of calories fast.

As to the diet above, I know about 10 people that have done it and they have all lost tremendous amounts of weight fast and kept it off - it is a lifestyle change though. I lost almost all of my weight in about 4 months. I have maintained for over a year now.

Note: I still eat breakfast on the weekends.

The diet is based on a physiological and anthropological study by a MD/PhD from University of Colorado, I believe.
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Re: Getting fat

Postby skywalker » Thu Apr 09, 2015 2:00 pm

First off, congrats for admitting you need to take action. That is the first step.

I am 36. 5'9 185. I run at least 3 times a week, 2.5 miles and then workout; high reps low weight for an additional 25 mins after I run. Some folks dispise running, but for me it's a joy. As mentioned, find something you like and cut back on the sodas. Water all day.

Good luck!
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Re: Getting fat

Postby Money » Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:19 pm

Don't count running out yet....I'm 44 and am in the best shape of my life. I started running about 5 years ago to relieve work stress. I could barely run a half mile and now I'm cranking out 30-40 miles a week. I've done several half marathons and am about to run my second full marathon at the end of this month. The key is to find a partner or group to run with that will hold you accountable. I would also join a gym to lift weights and that also offers "boot camp" classes to add in the mix. As others have said, cut out all cokes, diet drinks, sugars, etc. As Skywalker said, drink water all day.
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Re: Getting fat

Postby MudHog » Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:10 pm

I'm not a runner much myself, but I like to cycle. I'd much rather ride a bike than run. Maybe give cycling a try?

I'm not the best for as health being I've been called a hummingbird a time or two, but I have never understood when people say don't eat breakfast. Also, I've never understood when people say starve yourself. If you were to starve yourself, your body will adjust to your intake and tend to store fat for the starve periods. I see that as contradicting the goal. Being active is what is key. I too work behind a desk, but when I'm home, I don't stop. Between my small herd of 10 cattle, a 1 acre garden, 24 roses that are constant attention hogs, a 5 year old little girl whos daddy is a softball coach, fabrication projects, fun league softball games that I play in, the list goes on, I don't stop unless I'm eating a meal with my family or showering to go to bed. I literally think I go to work to have a break. I pick on people at work and always ask if anyone wants to come help bale hay. I always tell them it comes with a free gym membership once they start throwing hay bales up in the barn. A gym or a workout routine may not be you, but I know you like doing things and it is those things that can help you stay in shape. Bring your little girl outside with you and let her help. At 5 years old, my daughter knows to turn around when daddy's welding shield is down.

A few years back when my wife was counting calories we counted mine. I could make most of you sick if I told you guys what my daily calorie intake was.
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