Man beheads woman in Oklahoma

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Man beheads woman in Oklahoma

Postby cwink » Fri Sep 26, 2014 12:07 pm
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them"
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Re: Man beheads woman in Oklahoma

Postby Duck$$$ » Fri Sep 26, 2014 6:50 pm

That business is a customer of mine. Glad he shot the guy or could have been worse. Terrible deal.
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Re: Man beheads woman in Oklahoma

Postby lilwhitelie » Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:23 pm

I am afraid this will only get worse. That group has freaking crazies like that guy all over the US. Just like the idiots that died fighting along side those crazies. They will look to bring whatever fear they can to US soil. They have proven they care about no life whatsoever. I'm just scared that with the border problem etc we are going to see something soon worse than what just took place. God help us all. Think profiling of people that appear Muslim will increase?? That guy was a loon, just imagine if he was trained and prepared and the places that do not have an armed coo to shoot him what could happen. This is extremely scary!!!!
Last edited by lilwhitelie on Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Man beheads woman in Oklahoma

Postby dukluk » Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:40 pm

Let me get this unprovoked black guy beheads a white lady, and stabs another one, nearly to death, in broad daylight....something is missing here....oh yeah, the totally "non-racist" Al Sharpdick and Jesse Hairlip....if the races were reversed in this situation, those two slimeballs would already be in Oklahoma, stirring up as much discontent, as possible.
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Re: Man beheads woman in Oklahoma

Postby cwink » Sat Sep 27, 2014 6:46 pm

I have been writing about just this type of thing on my Safe Fire Shooting facebook page. My first entry on this as on Sept 23rd. I think it will also get worse, and that we as responsible armed citizens are going to be the forefront of defense.

Here was my first entry on Sept 23rd

A new type of threat? - As I watched the news about the first of our bombs falling on Syria, I couldn't help but get that same uneasy feeling I had back in 1991 and 2001 when we first struck targets in the Middle East. It's a feeling of uncertainty about what these airstrikes might lead to. For the past 6 years, we have heard that hatred for America comes from just these types of interventions, and that terrorist use these types events as excuses to try and exact revenge on Westerners. Whether you agree with the strikes against ISIS or not, you have to think that these actions may lead to more lone wolf attacks like Ft. Hood, the Boston Marathon Bombing, the British Solider stabbing and the Australian Be-heading plot. In fact in the last two days, ISIS has publicly called on it followers to attack US Soldiers and Civilians, and Homeland Security had confirmed that there are people in the US that have traveled to Syria to fight with ISIS that have returned back to the US, and more are trying to enter the US everyday. So what can we as US Citizens do to be prepared?

Over the next few days we will be discussing how we can be better prepared in case these potential threats become real threats

If you all want to see the rest of this series you can go like my facebook page.. For those that don't have Face book, if you want me to post my other entries here just let me know.
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them"
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Re: Man beheads woman in Oklahoma

Postby Barq's » Sun Sep 28, 2014 6:18 am

Military members have been warned that we are targets at home on U.S. soil, but we still can't carry or have a pistol for self defense in our vehicles on any base. I fully understand that we (military) have had shootings on U.S. bases but those may have not have been so bad if there would have been more armed members on these bases when things went south. We have national guard members that are full-time law enforcement as civilians and they can't even keep there weapons in their cars while on base. This forces trained Miltary members to remain unarmed while going to and from any military exercise. ...for some of us, that's an everyday deal and leaves us defenseless. I think if I am trained by and used by the military to use weapons that I should have the full faith of the U.S. to use them to protect the citizens, my family, and myself.
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Re: Man beheads woman in Oklahoma

Postby Barq's » Sun Sep 28, 2014 6:18 am

Military members have been warned that we are targets at home on U.S. soil, but we still can't carry or have a pistol for self defense in our vehicles on any base. I fully understand that we (military) have had shootings on U.S. bases but those may have not been so bad if there would have been more armed members on these bases when things went south. We have national guard members that are full-time law enforcement as civilians and they can't even keep there weapons in their cars while on base. This forces trained Miltary members to remain unarmed while going to and from any military exercise. ...for some of us, that's an everyday deal and leaves us defenseless. I think if I am trained by and used by the military to use weapons that I should have the full faith of the U.S. to use them to protect the citizens, my family, and myself.
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Re: Man beheads woman in Oklahoma

Postby 1010 » Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:22 pm

ISIS is well funded, what if the thug gangs, and low informed people go this route of ISIS.. Over night (Sort of) US will be just like all the other muslim countries. Attacks daily.

Is there a vacuum in the US like Syria or Mexico? I guess is the question. From what has been said in the news about U.S. girls going to have their babies.. It sounds to me like it could be a vacuum or greener on the other side type road.

IMO until we have a leader who is not politically correct 24/7 on real threats and can turn around this suction we are going down like the titanic.

Another front that is coming is what's going on in Ferguson MO. The past 48hrs.. White folks/LEOs have targets on their backs.. If random shootings start you can look for swift gun control just like Katrina.. This is JMO and how I see the state going to $#!+.
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Re: Man beheads woman in Oklahoma

Postby regishay » Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:50 am

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
- General Macarthur

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